Equity-Based Historic Preservation Plan

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La versión en español sigue a continuación.


The equity-based historic preservation plan (phase 1, 2021–22) will replace Austin’s 1981 preservation plan with an inclusive, equity-focused, and community-oriented process and outcome. A working group composed of historic preservation professionals, stakeholders from allied fields, and community representatives is tackling pressing questions: Whose heritage is represented in designated historic properties, and what stories are missing? Who benefits from preservation policies, programs, and incentives

Click here to visit the new plan website

Para visitar el sitio de web nuevo por el plan, haga clic aquí (seleccione el idioma en la esquina superior derecha)

La versión en español sigue a continuación.


The equity-based historic preservation plan (phase 1, 2021–22) will replace Austin’s 1981 preservation plan with an inclusive, equity-focused, and community-oriented process and outcome. A working group composed of historic preservation professionals, stakeholders from allied fields, and community representatives is tackling pressing questions: Whose heritage is represented in designated historic properties, and what stories are missing? Who benefits from preservation policies, programs, and incentives? How can historic preservation tools be expanded to address essential issues such as sustainability, affordability, and displacement?

Phase 1 will result in a draft historic preservation plan, including recommendations for historic preservation policies, tools, and programmatic changes at the city level. Phase 2 (2022–23) will include extensive community outreach and engagement, additional capacity-building, and finalization of the plan.

This project is funded in part through a Certified Local Government Grant from the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, as administered by the Texas Historical Commission.


The Historic Landmark Commission created the Preservation Plan Working Group to develop the draft preservation plan. The 26-person group is meeting monthly between July 2021 and June 2022 and is supported by a professional facilitator. Working group members were able to opt in to $25/hour compensation.

Get involved

Sign up here to hear about opportunities to get involved like community listening sessions and small group conversations. You can also find updates and ask questions on this page. After the draft plan is completed, extensive community outreach and engagement will happen in phase 2 (2022-23).

Para visitar el sitio de web nuevo por el plan, haga clic aquí (seleccione el idioma en la esquina superior derecha)

Plan de preservación histórica concentrado en la equidad


El Plan de Preservación Histórica Basado en la Equidad (fase 1, 2021-22) reemplazará al plan de preservación de Austin de 1981 con un enfoque inclusivo, enfocado en la equidad y con un proceso y resultado orientados hacia la comunidad. Un grupo de trabajo formado por profesionales de la preservación histórica, interesados de disciplinas afines y representantes de la comunidad abordará preguntas apremiantes:¿El patrimonio de quién/es está representado en las propiedades designadas históricas y qué historias faltan?¿Quiénes son los beneficiarios de las políticas, los programas y los incentivos de preservación? ¿Cómo se pueden ampliar las herramientas de preservación histórica para abordar asuntos indispensables como la sustentabilidad, la rentabilidad y el desplazamiento?

La Fase 1 producirá un plan de preservación histórica preliminar, que incluirá recomendaciones para políticas, herramientas y cambios programáticos de preservación a nivel de la Ciudad. La Fase 2 (2022-23) incluirá una amplia campaña de difusión a la comunidad, creación de más capacidad y la finalización del plan.

Este proyecto está parcialmente financiado por un subsidio certificado del gobierno local del Servicio de Parques Nacionales del Departamento del Interior de EE. UU., administrado por la Comisión Histórica de Texas.


La Comisión de Monumentos Históricos creó el Grupo de Trabajo del Plan de Preservación para crear la versión preliminar del plan. El grupo de 26 personas se reúne mensualmente entre julio de 2021 y junio de 2022 y un facilitador profesional le brinda apoyo. Los miembros del grupo de trabajo pudieron optar por recibir una compensación de $25 por hora.


Inscríbase aquí para enterarse de las oportunidades de participación como encuestas a la comunidad y grupos pequeños a la comunidad y grupos focales. También puede encontrar información actualizada y hacer preguntas en esta página. Después de que se complete la versión preliminar del plan, la fase 2 incluirá esfuerzos extensos de alcance y participación de la comunidad (2022-23).

This project has concluded. Thank you.  Este proyecto ha finalizado. Muchas gracias.

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Austin Monitor (9/13/2022)

    Preservation office gets new design standards and equity plan

    “Next year will also usher in changes on the broader preservation front, with the city budget set to fund full-time staff and community outreach personnel to spearhead the final phase of the equity-based preservation plan... New community engagement strategies, legacy business relief, proactive stewardship incentives, and expanded historic survey programs are all on the table.”

    Austin Business Journal (7/8/2022)

    New historic preservation plan taking shape in Austin

    “[The Preservation Plan Working Group] emphatically embraced the broader idea of our heritage, our culture and how we can creatively start expanding what the tools of preservation can be so that we can be much more effective in allowing future generations to have a real understanding of their history, heritage and their legacy,’ said Ben Heimsath, the Historic Landmark Commission’s vice chairman.”

    Austin Monitor (4/5/2022)

    Staffers provide update on new equity-focused historic preservation plan

    “Equity is a primary consideration. In light of that, the planning process has taken a bottom-up approach, with a working group of community members leading the plan’s development. The group, created by the Historic Landmark Commission last year, has met several times in recent months to discuss goals for the plan. Group members’ demographics roughly align with Austin’s demographics.”

    The Austin Chronicle (7/2/2021)

    With equity in mind, Austin embarks on bringing its history up to date

    “How does one preserve heritage and history in a city changing as rapidly as Austin is? Does protecting existing buildings in some neighborhoods contribute to faster turnover, lower affordability, and more displacement in other areas of town? How should the city balance protecting its architectural assets with honoring and sustaining a cultural legacy that is both ‘historic’ and still alive today? That's what makes the new preservation plan such a gargantuan project.”

    KXAN (6/11/2021)

    Preserving Austin’s diverse history: City calls on community to draft equitable historic preservation plan

    “’Communities whose heritages has been underrepresented in Austin’s historic preservation program really should have a seat at the table in helping to craft this new preservation plan,’ Elizabeth Brummett, the Historic Preservation Office’s manager, said. ‘This is important because the preservation plan should represent the heritage of all Austinites.’”

    The Austin Chronicle (6/11/2021)

    City seeks to break the rich, white “historic” mold

    “A new working group, for which the city is accepting applications from prospective members through June 14, has been tasked with rewriting the city's preservation plan, last updated in 1981… The hope is for the new working group to be empowered to go further to create a historic preservation strategy that reflects Austin's diverse and intersecting cultures.”

    Interview – KAZI (6/9/2021)

    Project manager Cara Bertron talked to Deejay Slyce about the Equity-Based Historic Preservation Plan and how community members can apply to the working group.

    Austin Monitor (5/4/2021)

    New working group to study equity in preservation

    “Now, the HLC and the Historic Preservation Office aim to bring a more egalitarian playing field to the city’s preservation program with the formation of an equity-based Preservation Plan Working Group made up of about 30 community stakeholders… The group would be charged with crafting recommendations for improving the preservation program while introducing social justice metrics into the equation when considering a property’s historic significance.”