針對冬季風暴 Uri 的社區反饋 (Chinese-Traditional)

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Consultation has concluded

English | Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 (简体) | 中文 (繁體) | 한국어 | မြန်မာဘာသာ | اُردُو‎‎ | العربية

冬季風暴審查工作小組希望了解社區和組織代表關於在冬季風暴 Uri 期間及之後經歷的意見。本網頁旨在通過提交的書面證詞、視頻片段和圖片來了解您的獨特經歷。

請使用下方選項卡中工具分享您的經歷。您也可在 2021 年 6 月 30 日前將您的反饋通過電子郵件發送至community@austintexas.gov

此外,工作小組將舉行虛擬傾聽會,獲取公眾證詞。總結通過本網頁和傾聽會了解的各人經歷的報告將在 2021 年 7 月 30 日前提交至市議會,收到的個人故事將在 Austin 歷史中心歸檔。

The Winter Storm Review Task Force wants to hear from the community and organizational representatives about your experiences during and in the aftermath of Winter Storm Uri. This webpage is dedicated to capture your unique stories submitted through written testimony, video footage, and pictures.

Please use the tools on the tabs below to share your story. You may also email your feedback to community@austintexas.gov by June 30, 2021.

Additionally, the Task Force will hold virtual listening sessions for public testimony. A report summarizing the stories captured on this webpage and during the listening sessions will be submitted to City Council by July 30, 2021, and the collage of stories received will be archived at the Austin History Center.

English | Español | Tiếng Việt | 中文 (简体) | 中文 (繁體) | 한국어 | မြန်မာဘာသာ | اُردُو‎‎ | العربية

冬季風暴審查工作小組希望了解社區和組織代表關於在冬季風暴 Uri 期間及之後經歷的意見。本網頁旨在通過提交的書面證詞、視頻片段和圖片來了解您的獨特經歷。

請使用下方選項卡中工具分享您的經歷。您也可在 2021 年 6 月 30 日前將您的反饋通過電子郵件發送至community@austintexas.gov

此外,工作小組將舉行虛擬傾聽會,獲取公眾證詞。總結通過本網頁和傾聽會了解的各人經歷的報告將在 2021 年 7 月 30 日前提交至市議會,收到的個人故事將在 Austin 歷史中心歸檔。

The Winter Storm Review Task Force wants to hear from the community and organizational representatives about your experiences during and in the aftermath of Winter Storm Uri. This webpage is dedicated to capture your unique stories submitted through written testimony, video footage, and pictures.

Please use the tools on the tabs below to share your story. You may also email your feedback to community@austintexas.gov by June 30, 2021.

Additionally, the Task Force will hold virtual listening sessions for public testimony. A report summarizing the stories captured on this webpage and during the listening sessions will be submitted to City Council by July 30, 2021, and the collage of stories received will be archived at the Austin History Center.