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Photo of "Rhapsody" an outdoor mosaic tile mural by John Yancey on East 11th Street in Austin, Texas.

Survey: Urban Renewal Plan and Neighborhood Conservation Districts - East 11th and 12th Streets

The proposed changes to the Urban Renewal Plan (URP) and Neighborhood Conservation Combining Districts (NCCDs) for East 11th and 12th Street  will be considered for approval by the Planning Commission in late April and City Council in May. At those meetings, the public will have an opportunity to provide feedback.

In anticipation of these two meetings, the public will have an opportunity to learn more about the Board’s recommendations and ask questions on April 20, 2021, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.  

To provide comment on the draft recommendations:

1.    Review the draft recommendations, available here or in the Document Library section.

2.    Provide comments through this survey.

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