Reimagining Public Safety in Austin

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Consultation has concluded

Welcome to the community feedback hub for the City of Austin's Reimagining Public Safety (RPS) process. We're glad you're here.

As the City explores ways to transform the public safety experience in Austin, your input is critically important to ensuring that policing meets the needs of all our residents. For more information on the Reimagining Public Safety initiative, please click here to visit the Reimagining Public Safety homepage.

Initial Results of Community Engagement Now Available

Since September 2020, RPS has offered residents a variety of ways to provide their thoughts, ranging from online surveys to community conversations. 311 provided a phone option as well. Nearly 1,000 residents and community members have provided feedback up to now. The initial data has been analyzed, and the results are available.

For a full report, click here.

To view the RPS Community Conversation Feedback Dashboard, click here.


The Candidate Forums concluded on 8/19/21 and the input opportunity ended on 8/22/21, but you may still view recorded versions of both forums on the City's Facebook page (no account needed) by clicking here.

Background: City of Austin identifies top three finalists for Austin’s next Chief of Police

Austin City Manager Spencer Cronk has announced the top three finalists for the Chief of Police position out of a field of 46 applicants.

In July, seven candidates were interviewed by three panels which included Community Stakeholders, Law Enforcement Partners, and City of Austin Executives. After consideration and feedback from the panels, City Manager Cronk has identified the following finalists:

  • Joseph Chacon, Interim Chief of Police, Austin Police Department
  • Avery L. Moore, Assistant Chief, Dallas Police Department
  • Emada E. Tingirides, Deputy Chief, Los Angeles Police Department

“I am confident these finalists will help the City of Austin cultivate relationships with our community, accomplish the City Council’s goals, and continue the progress of reimagining public safety in Austin,” said Cronk.

The City Manager hopes to announce a new Chief of Police before the end of September.

You can view the complete press release which includes candidate bios by clicking here.

Ongoing ways to share your thoughts and ideas

While the first round of community conversations has ended, you can still provide feedback directly to your council district office or the RPS team. We’ll continue to gather input throughout the Reimagining Public Safety process and will include that feedback in future updates to City leadership.

Welcome to the community feedback hub for the City of Austin's Reimagining Public Safety (RPS) process. We're glad you're here.

As the City explores ways to transform the public safety experience in Austin, your input is critically important to ensuring that policing meets the needs of all our residents. For more information on the Reimagining Public Safety initiative, please click here to visit the Reimagining Public Safety homepage.

Initial Results of Community Engagement Now Available

Since September 2020, RPS has offered residents a variety of ways to provide their thoughts, ranging from online surveys to community conversations. 311 provided a phone option as well. Nearly 1,000 residents and community members have provided feedback up to now. The initial data has been analyzed, and the results are available.

For a full report, click here.

To view the RPS Community Conversation Feedback Dashboard, click here.


The Candidate Forums concluded on 8/19/21 and the input opportunity ended on 8/22/21, but you may still view recorded versions of both forums on the City's Facebook page (no account needed) by clicking here.

Background: City of Austin identifies top three finalists for Austin’s next Chief of Police

Austin City Manager Spencer Cronk has announced the top three finalists for the Chief of Police position out of a field of 46 applicants.

In July, seven candidates were interviewed by three panels which included Community Stakeholders, Law Enforcement Partners, and City of Austin Executives. After consideration and feedback from the panels, City Manager Cronk has identified the following finalists:

  • Joseph Chacon, Interim Chief of Police, Austin Police Department
  • Avery L. Moore, Assistant Chief, Dallas Police Department
  • Emada E. Tingirides, Deputy Chief, Los Angeles Police Department

“I am confident these finalists will help the City of Austin cultivate relationships with our community, accomplish the City Council’s goals, and continue the progress of reimagining public safety in Austin,” said Cronk.

The City Manager hopes to announce a new Chief of Police before the end of September.

You can view the complete press release which includes candidate bios by clicking here.

Ongoing ways to share your thoughts and ideas

While the first round of community conversations has ended, you can still provide feedback directly to your council district office or the RPS team. We’ll continue to gather input throughout the Reimagining Public Safety process and will include that feedback in future updates to City leadership.

Discussions: All (3) Open (0)
  • APD Training Academy Recommendations

    over 3 years ago
    Share APD Training Academy Recommendations on Facebook Share APD Training Academy Recommendations on Twitter Share APD Training Academy Recommendations on Linkedin Email APD Training Academy Recommendations link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The RPS leadership team wants your input on a series of short and long term recommendations to improve training courses, address racial bias, and foster greater equity and inclusion within the Austin Police Department Training Academy.

    Your feedback and suggestions will help the RPS leadership team develop the final set of recommendations to share with City Council along with a plan to ensure the improvements are made, and a timeline for resuming the APD training academy. 

    The recommendations are listed below. Feel free to share your thoughts on as many of the recommendations as you'd like. Learn more about how the recommendations were developed here.


    1. Transition to a blended civilian/police academy.
    2. Create an academy curriculum review committee that includes community members
    3. Formalize the process for review of videos shown at the academy
    4. Create a model for academy and expert community subject matter experts to teach courses together


    1. Develop strategies to enhance long term racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of academy staff and faculty.
    2. Implement two-week community engagement program for cadets.
    3. Provide continuous de-escalation training for cadets and current officers.
  • Public Safety in Austin: Share your experience with the RPS Task Force

    over 3 years ago
    Share Public Safety in Austin: Share your experience with the RPS Task Force on Facebook Share Public Safety in Austin: Share your experience with the RPS Task Force on Twitter Share Public Safety in Austin: Share your experience with the RPS Task Force on Linkedin Email Public Safety in Austin: Share your experience with the RPS Task Force link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The Reimagining Public Safety City-Community Task Force is gathering input from residents on public safety reform in Austin for an upcoming public meeting. Details on how to attend are coming soon. Can't make the meeting? No Problem. You can share your comments for the task force here. Your comments will be included in the upcoming public meeting.

  • Reimagining Public Safety Ideas

    about 4 years ago
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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    This is an open forum to share your ideas to reform public safety in Austin. 

    Here are some question prompts to help you get started:

    • When you hear the word policing, what are some other words/phrases that come to mind.
    • What do want to come to mind when you hear Austin Police Department? 
    • When you hear safety, what words come to mind, and how do you envision the ideal in Austin?
    • When you hear reimagining, what words come to mind, and how to you envision the ideal for public safety in Austin? 

    Idea Forum Agreements

    We ask that you participate in this discussion forum with critical kindness, by acknowledging that exploring public safety matters may be difficult for some and exhibit kindness as you explore issues where you may or may not see eye to eye with other community members you may engage with in this forum.

    Please remember that bullying, hate speech, and derogatory language are not permitted and will be removed.