Community Forums on Police Oversight

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Consultation has concluded

On March 22, 2018, the City Council passed a resolution directing the City Manager to develop evidence-based best practices regarding police oversight and report back to Council with any recommendations that would improve the effectiveness, transparency, and efficiency of our current system. In doing so, Council directed the City Manager to consult with various stakeholders including the Office of the Police Monitor, the Police Department, law enforcement accountability offices, interested community organizations and various Boards and Commissions.

In order to carry out Council’s direction to the City Manager, the Police Oversight Advisory Working Group was created to advise City management in the development of recommendations to enhance Austin’s current police oversight system. Members of the working group include representatives from City of Austin departments and various community organizations. The purpose of the Police Oversight Advisory Working Group is to advise the City of Austin executive management with recommendations to improve the effectiveness, transparency, and efficiency of our current police oversight system. The working group is tasked with analyzing data, evaluating best practices, and drafting a proposal for consideration by the City Manager and City Council.

Community Engagement and Feedback

All Community Forums on Police Oversight were conducted as scheduled, and the Community Survey and Guestbook are now closed to new submissions. The feedback collected from the in-person forums and the on-line submissions has been provided to the Police Monitor and the Working Group to be considered for their recommendations to the City Manager.

On March 22, 2018, the City Council passed a resolution directing the City Manager to develop evidence-based best practices regarding police oversight and report back to Council with any recommendations that would improve the effectiveness, transparency, and efficiency of our current system. In doing so, Council directed the City Manager to consult with various stakeholders including the Office of the Police Monitor, the Police Department, law enforcement accountability offices, interested community organizations and various Boards and Commissions.

In order to carry out Council’s direction to the City Manager, the Police Oversight Advisory Working Group was created to advise City management in the development of recommendations to enhance Austin’s current police oversight system. Members of the working group include representatives from City of Austin departments and various community organizations. The purpose of the Police Oversight Advisory Working Group is to advise the City of Austin executive management with recommendations to improve the effectiveness, transparency, and efficiency of our current police oversight system. The working group is tasked with analyzing data, evaluating best practices, and drafting a proposal for consideration by the City Manager and City Council.

Community Engagement and Feedback

All Community Forums on Police Oversight were conducted as scheduled, and the Community Survey and Guestbook are now closed to new submissions. The feedback collected from the in-person forums and the on-line submissions has been provided to the Police Monitor and the Working Group to be considered for their recommendations to the City Manager.

Guest Book

The Police Oversight Advisory Working Group thanks everyone who joining the conversation. Your input is valued and will be reviewed for consideration.

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Do your duty. So far the OPM is a failure. Inept. A liability to the process and the City.

New NAME: Police Cover Team - Criminals in Austin


I have filed 10 police complaints to the OPM All were closed with no punishment, transparency or accountability. Complete System Failure. OPM Fail+Cop Fail.
Do you always call the Citizens liars that come file a complaint at great risk of retaliation?

I HAVE BEEN RETALIATED AGAINST FOR FILING POLICE COMPLAINTS AND IT'S A MATTER OF RECORD. DOES THAT MATTER? Why did ya'll ignore me? And where can a subpoena be filed for your witness in Court to any complaints I may have from police retaliation?

If you can't control your police officers, trainers, staff, leadership and supervisors and keep them from attacking, harassing, stalking, and falsely arresting the Citizens and the Free Press, how do you expect anyone to file a complaint or enable your efforts in any way ,including budgeting for your paychecks? It's a waste of money. We are not safe. Thanks for nothing OPM.

You will not even hold your own staff aka Margo, accountable.
Getting paid to get bad cops off in legal cases in Gonzales and other cities! ON the clock for the City of Austin at the same time? Doing the opposite of police accountability the entire time she was in office! You have dis-earned our respect and trust. Sorry.

I demand again that the new Monitor contact me for a meeting. And an audit of my previous and current complaints.

I have filed several complaints with APD supervisors, and IA is non-responsive. No follow up has been done. The System is broken.

OPM also is in violation of the law. You complaint form is useless. It only helps the officers hold Citizens under suit for defamation after ya'll don't help us get polie punished. WE DO NOT NEED AN AFFIDAVIT UNDER TEXAS LAW> Go look up the statute. I'm really not understanding the process the from the meaning of OFFICE OF POLICE MONITOR in Austin.

Refresh my memory and clarify where we are now and where we are headed.

Citizen Free Press

Julian Reyes

Citizen complaintant almost 6 years ago

Require officers to train effective martial arts and grappling beyond what they receive at the academy.

Will Ward almost 6 years ago