Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Phase 2 Improvements
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The Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center (ESB-MACC) opened in 2007. In 2018, City Council adopted the MásMACC facility expansion plan. Now, with funding from the 2018 GO bond, implementation of Phase 2 has begun. Phase 2 includes expansion and renovation of the facility in addition to site improvements in order to meet the growing needs of the community, supporting programs which foster meaningful understanding and appreciation of Mexican American, Native American, Chicano and other Latinx Cultures.
El Centro Cultural Mexicano Americano Emma S. Barrientos (sigla en inglés ESB-MACC) abrió sus puertas en 2007. En 2018, el Consejo de la Ciuadad adoptó el plan de expansión de instalaciones MásMACC.Ahora, con fondos del bono GO 2018, ha comenzado la implementación de la Fase 2.La Fase 2 incluye la expansión y renovación de las instalaciones, además de mejoras en el sitio para satisfacer las crecientes necesidades de la comunidad, programas de apoyo que fomentan la comprensión y el aprecio significativos de las culturas mexicoamericana, nativa americana, chicana y otras culturas latinas.
The Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center (ESB-MACC) opened in 2007. In 2018, City Council adopted the MásMACC facility expansion plan. Now, with funding from the 2018 GO bond, implementation of Phase 2 has begun. Phase 2 includes expansion and renovation of the facility in addition to site improvements in order to meet the growing needs of the community, supporting programs which foster meaningful understanding and appreciation of Mexican American, Native American, Chicano and other Latinx Cultures.
El Centro Cultural Mexicano Americano Emma S. Barrientos (sigla en inglés ESB-MACC) abrió sus puertas en 2007. En 2018, el Consejo de la Ciuadad adoptó el plan de expansión de instalaciones MásMACC.Ahora, con fondos del bono GO 2018, ha comenzado la implementación de la Fase 2.La Fase 2 incluye la expansión y renovación de las instalaciones, además de mejoras en el sitio para satisfacer las crecientes necesidades de la comunidad, programas de apoyo que fomentan la comprensión y el aprecio significativos de las culturas mexicoamericana, nativa americana, chicana y otras culturas latinas.
We invite you to share some of your favorite experiences at the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center. We miss seeing everyone in person and can't wait to be together again.
A ustedes, les invitamos a compartir algunas de sus experiencias favoritas en el Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Centro.Extrañamos ver a todos en persona y estamos ansiosos por estar juntos de nuevo.
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CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
I have two experiences that I would like to share. One is personal and the other professional. First, when my daughter was born in 2010, my and wife would go on walks with her on Lady Bird Lake Trail and always stop to have a little break or eat a snack at the MACC. It was a nice spot to relax and enjoy our time together as a new family. Second, as a member of the art collective Los Outsiders, I was fortunate to be a part of curating, organizing and actualizing not one but two exhibitions at the MACC. They were multi-faceted and without the MACC's support, impossible to have taken place.
Roberto Jackson Harrington
about 4 years ago
Desde su fundación, he tenido la oportunidad de asistir, disfrutar, colaborar y ahora, formar parte del MACC. Por lo tanto esta institución significa mucho para mí así como para la comunidad de Austin. Celebro que se vaya a ampliar y mejorar para que sus espacios sean más amplios y adecuados para los talleres que impartimos. ¡Gracias!
Miguel Angel Santana
about 4 years ago
It’s been a pleasure enjoying the various music and cultural programming at the MACC. We need to reinforce its continuing mission by supporting much needed improvements.
Familia Muñoz
about 4 years ago
Sylvia Orosco shared how Mexicarte received a major art collection of Latino artworks from a life long collector in El Paso, currently on view.
Tim High
about 4 years ago
Is there a plan to coordinate these efforts with our existing Mexicarte Museum?
Tim High
about 4 years ago
My family and I have attended several events at the ESBMACC -- it's been wonderful to celebrate our beautiful Latino culture. Among those events: several plays, including La Pastorela annually (except during the pandemic), Cine Las Americas screenings; a Valentine's Day Trio concert. In addition, I direct the Voces Oral History Center at UT-Austin, and we've had several events there: the Aida Barrera tribute in 2019; a Defend the Honor 10-year anniversary in 2017. It's a beautiful venue, in a central location. The only problem is how small the auditorium is. We've had to find other locations for major events. We'd prefer to have them at the ESBMACC -- as a community celebration.
Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez
about 4 years ago
Project Timeline
Building Program
Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Phase 2 Improvements has finished this stage
The Project Team identifies areas in need or renovation and elements for building expansion.
Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Phase 2 Improvements has finished this stage
The Project Team develops a design incorporating information from the Building Program, the 2018 Plan, and additional consultation from the community. This stage includes problem solving, integrating building systems, and preparing construction documents.
Bidding & Permitting
Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Phase 2 Improvements is currently at this stage
While the prepared construction documents are released for bidding, it is also being submitted for regulatory review and approval of construction permits.
this is an upcoming stage for Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Phase 2 Improvements
After bids are negotiated and accepted; construction permits are issued, construction can begin. This stage is estimated to take two years.
Grand Opening
this is an upcoming stage for Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Phase 2 Improvements
We look forward to construction being completed so that we can all celebrate together!
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Introducing the Phase 2 Implementation & Design Team
The Design Team is a joint venture between world-renown firms Miró Rivera Architects (Austin) and Tatiana Bilbao Estudio (Mexico City).
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Introducción a la implementación de la fase 2 de ESB-MACC (en español)
El Emma S. Barrientos Centro Cultural Mexicano Americano (ESB-MACC) está implementando la Fase 2 del plan Mas MACC adoptado en 2018. El Equipo de Diseño, una empresa conjunta (JV) entre Miró Rivera Architects (Austin) y Tatiana Bilbao Estudio (Ciudad de México), presenta su firma y el proceso de implementación.
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2018 Plan Overview (English)
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Resumen del Plan MásMACC 2018
A medida que comienza la implementación de la Fase 2 del Centro Cultural Mexicano Americano Emma S. Barrientos (ESB-MACC), este video proporciona una descripción general del proceso llamado MásMACC, que resultó en el Plan de Expansión de la Fase 2 para el ESB-MACC (adoptado por Austin Concejo en 2018).
I have two experiences that I would like to share. One is personal and the other professional.
First, when my daughter was born in 2010, my and wife would go on walks with her on Lady Bird Lake Trail and always stop to have a little break or eat a snack at the MACC. It was a nice spot to relax and enjoy our time together as a new family.
Second, as a member of the art collective Los Outsiders, I was fortunate to be a part of curating, organizing and actualizing not one but two exhibitions at the MACC. They were multi-faceted and without the MACC's support, impossible to have taken place.
Desde su fundación, he tenido la oportunidad de asistir, disfrutar, colaborar y ahora, formar parte del MACC. Por lo tanto esta institución significa mucho para mí así como para la comunidad de Austin.
Celebro que se vaya a ampliar y mejorar para que sus espacios sean más amplios y adecuados para los talleres que impartimos.
It’s been a pleasure enjoying the various music and cultural programming at the MACC. We need to reinforce its continuing mission by supporting much needed improvements.
Sylvia Orosco shared how Mexicarte received a major art collection of Latino artworks from a life long collector in El Paso, currently on view.
Is there a plan to coordinate these efforts with our existing Mexicarte Museum?
My family and I have attended several events at the ESBMACC -- it's been wonderful to celebrate our beautiful Latino culture. Among those events: several plays, including La Pastorela annually (except during the pandemic), Cine Las Americas screenings; a Valentine's Day Trio concert.
In addition, I direct the Voces Oral History Center at UT-Austin, and we've had several events there: the Aida Barrera tribute in 2019; a Defend the Honor 10-year anniversary in 2017.
It's a beautiful venue, in a central location. The only problem is how small the auditorium is. We've had to find other locations for major events. We'd prefer to have them at the ESBMACC -- as a community celebration.