I am having difficulty registering or attending Get Tree Smart virtually. How can I get assistance to register or attend the event?

    Please contact DSDEngagementUnit@austintexas.gov for assistance.

    My internet connection is not fast enough to play video. What other options exist to participate in the event?

    Call (408) 418-9388  to participate by phone.

    I missed the most recent Get Tree Smart meeting. Can I watch a recording of the meeting.

    Yes, please click here to watch the video at your convenience.

    I have an important question regarding trees, but I was not able to ask it during the most recent Get Tree Smart meeting. How can I get the answers I need about my trees?

    Please contact cityarborist@austintexas.gov for your questions between now and the next Get Tree Smart Meeting.

    I appreciated and enjoyed the in-person meetings. When will the City allow people to meet in person again?

    The City of Austin will continue to evaluate conditions. The safety of the public is our number one concern. We know many people learn and interact better in person. We will do what we can to implement in-person meetings again when it is considered safe to do so.