Get Tree Smart Austin

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Thank you for your interest, however, this project has been suspended at this time.  You may contact or (512) 974-6015 if you have any questions.

Get Tree Smart! This program provides an overview of the rules and regulations the City of Austin has in place to protect the trees in our community. Austin has had a tree protection ordinance, one of the first in the nation, since 1983. However, many people in our community still have questions about the rules, what they are, and how they apply to their trees.

We will post information about our upcoming meetings on this page as they are planned. You can view past meetings by here. These meetings will educate you about how the City cares for our urban forest and how you can help.

  • The discussion is led by experts from the City Arborist program.
  • Each meeting includes an approximately hour-long presentation and plenty of time for questions.

We love to talk about trees, so come ready to ask us anything!

Get Tree Smart! This program provides an overview of the rules and regulations the City of Austin has in place to protect the trees in our community. Austin has had a tree protection ordinance, one of the first in the nation, since 1983. However, many people in our community still have questions about the rules, what they are, and how they apply to their trees.

We will post information about our upcoming meetings on this page as they are planned. You can view past meetings by here. These meetings will educate you about how the City cares for our urban forest and how you can help.

  • The discussion is led by experts from the City Arborist program.
  • Each meeting includes an approximately hour-long presentation and plenty of time for questions.

We love to talk about trees, so come ready to ask us anything!