Austin's Economic Relief & Recovery Programs

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Consultation has concluded

The City of Austin is committed to restoring our local economy in a manner that is safe, equitable, and prosperous for all. We are working diligently to help businesses and individuals recover from the financial hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. By working together, we will overcome this unprecedented time in our city’s history.

We Need Your Feedback

The purpose of this website is to collect community and stakeholder feedback on what worked and what didn't work related to eligibility requirements and guidelines for launched relief and recovery programs to best inform future efforts, specifically:

  • Program requirements and guidelines that did work to provide the necessary relief.

  • Program requirements and guidelines that did not work to provide the necessary relief.

  • Ideas for improving specific requirements and guidelines of any future relief and recovery programs.

  • Identifying additional areas of need for future relief and recovery programs.

We understand that securing additional funding is crucial for serving the monumental need related to the effects of the pandemic in Austin. There simply has not been enough funds available to support all eligible applications within the various launched relief and recovery programs, and City Staff is working now to identify and secure more sources of funds.

The City of Austin is committed to restoring our local economy in a manner that is safe, equitable, and prosperous for all. We are working diligently to help businesses and individuals recover from the financial hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. By working together, we will overcome this unprecedented time in our city’s history.

We Need Your Feedback

The purpose of this website is to collect community and stakeholder feedback on what worked and what didn't work related to eligibility requirements and guidelines for launched relief and recovery programs to best inform future efforts, specifically:

  • Program requirements and guidelines that did work to provide the necessary relief.

  • Program requirements and guidelines that did not work to provide the necessary relief.

  • Ideas for improving specific requirements and guidelines of any future relief and recovery programs.

  • Identifying additional areas of need for future relief and recovery programs.

We understand that securing additional funding is crucial for serving the monumental need related to the effects of the pandemic in Austin. There simply has not been enough funds available to support all eligible applications within the various launched relief and recovery programs, and City Staff is working now to identify and secure more sources of funds.