Update on Climate Plan meetings due to COVID-19

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Due to the unprecedented COVID-19 situation, the City’s Office of Sustainability has fully transitioned to working remotely. The Coronavirus has caused many disruptions to our team, and to the daily lives of our community members. This has forced us to think creatively about ways to stay connected. It has also amplified the inequitable social conditions currently at hand, showing how deeply interconnected we all are — locally and globally.

To keep the climate plan revision process on track, we have made the decision to shift all advisory group meetings to virtual or teleconference. Community members are welcome to join these meetings, and the full schedule can be found here. We understand that this will be challenging, but our team is going to do our best to make the transition as smooth as possible. Over the next month, the advisory groups will be working on developing goals and strategies for lowering greenhouse gas emissions while addressing racial and economic equity in our community.

If you are interested in providing feedback about the plan, but are unable to join a meeting, we hope you’ll consider taking our Quick Community Survey. We will also be asking for feedback on a draft version of the plan in the coming months.

Stay safe and be well,

The Office of Sustainability Climate Team

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Consultation has concluded

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