Shape Austin's Future - Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission
Consultation has concluded
Austin residents helped redraw the city council district boundaries.
Austin has a process for residents to redraw the boundaries of the council districts every ten years. The boundaries of the council districts greatly impact Austin’s government and will shape how residents are represented for the next decade.
Public involvement
The 14 member Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC) redrew the 10 City Council Districts based on 2020 Census data and three rounds of public input. First, twelve public forums were held in the ten City Council Districts to gather the first round of public input from July - August 2021. Second, five forums were held in the four Travis County Precincts from September - October 2021 to gather a second round of public input. Finally, citizens had three more opportunities to view and provide input on the final draft of the map before the ICRC voted to certify the map in October.
See the maps
Visit the widget "2021 Austin City Council District Maps" on right side of this page on your laptop and at the bottom of the page on your cell phone to download the final map for free.
Learn the process
Visit the city of Austin website here to read the ICRC's final report which explains the process of drafting the map in detail or download the final report by visiting the widget on this page "ICRC Final Report."
Contact Us
Email or write the ICRC at or Housing and Planning Department, Attn: ICRC, P.O. Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78767.
You can learn more about the process on our website: Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission | as well as
Please follow us on social media for the latest updates:
AustinRedistric Twitter:
austinredistric Instagram: https://www. austinredistrict/
What district do I live in? Find your district at Council Districts (
View the first public forum held on Thursday, Jul 15, 2021 Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission Public Hearing - District 9 - Austin, TX (
Recordings of all other commission meetings and forums may be accessed on ATXN.
Austin residents helped redraw the city council district boundaries.
Austin has a process for residents to redraw the boundaries of the council districts every ten years. The boundaries of the council districts greatly impact Austin’s government and will shape how residents are represented for the next decade.
Public involvement
The 14 member Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC) redrew the 10 City Council Districts based on 2020 Census data and three rounds of public input. First, twelve public forums were held in the ten City Council Districts to gather the first round of public input from July - August 2021. Second, five forums were held in the four Travis County Precincts from September - October 2021 to gather a second round of public input. Finally, citizens had three more opportunities to view and provide input on the final draft of the map before the ICRC voted to certify the map in October.
See the maps
Visit the widget "2021 Austin City Council District Maps" on right side of this page on your laptop and at the bottom of the page on your cell phone to download the final map for free.
Learn the process
Visit the city of Austin website here to read the ICRC's final report which explains the process of drafting the map in detail or download the final report by visiting the widget on this page "ICRC Final Report."
Contact Us
Email or write the ICRC at or Housing and Planning Department, Attn: ICRC, P.O. Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78767.
You can learn more about the process on our website: Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission | as well as
Please follow us on social media for the latest updates:
AustinRedistric Twitter:
austinredistric Instagram: https://www. austinredistrict/
What district do I live in? Find your district at Council Districts (
View the first public forum held on Thursday, Jul 15, 2021 Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission Public Hearing - District 9 - Austin, TX (
Recordings of all other commission meetings and forums may be accessed on ATXN.
Redistricting commission maps out city council districts for next decade
Share Redistricting commission maps out city council districts for next decade on Facebook Share Redistricting commission maps out city council districts for next decade on Twitter Share Redistricting commission maps out city council districts for next decade on Linkedin Email Redistricting commission maps out city council districts for next decade linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Christina Puentes ICRC Chai AUSTIN, TX (Oct. 29, 2021) – Unlike the state of Texas's political maps, the new Austin City Council district maps, certified by the Independent Citizen's Commission (ICRC) on Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2021, were devoid of political party influence.
"I think these maps are a testament to the strength of our expertise and ultimately the strength of this redistricting process under an Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission," said ICRC Chair Christina Puentes (District 7) after signing her name to the certification document at Wednesday's meeting. "We have followed in some really courageous and thoughtful footsteps in previous positions, and I hope to see that this movement will sweep the country. We are living proof that this system works."
Austin's independent redistricting system was set in place in 2013 after the passage of a proposition that moved the City Council from a seven-member, all at-large group to its current 10-1 configuration that centers on demographics. Before this system, Austin's at-large system for electing council members had been in place since 1953 with a change or unofficial concession termed "a gentleman's agreement" to reserve two seats for minority candidates. However, the explosive growth of the Hispanic population in the '70s and every decade afterward and the protests and litigation that followed made the change a reality in 2013.
Commissioner Joshua Blank
Commissioner Joshua Blank (District 8), research director of the Texas Politics Project at The University of Texas at Austin, said he was proud of the work the commission produced.
"I study politics for a living, and currently, almost all politics are defined by their toxicity. By the inability of people to work together, and by those in power using the levers at their disposal to maintain or increase that power," Blank said during the certification of the map on Wednesday. "This map, by contrast, was made among citizens who approached this task humbly. Who asked for input at every stage, and who then received that input without prejudice or predetermined outcomes in mind. Citizens who truly sought to follow the charter that established this commission and this process, and in particular, the maintenance of the geographic integrity of local neighborhoods and communities."
Wednesday marks the second time an independent commission redrew the city council districts, and the obstacles the 2021 commissioners were different from the 2013 commission in that they were apolitical. In its path to redistricting, the ICRC weathered a global pandemic, February freeze, late U.S. Census data numbers, learning new virtual meeting protocols and the shortening of public engagement timeframe.
Austin City Auditor Corrie Stokes noted these obstacles before awarding commissioners certificates for the volunteer work they put into the redrawing of the new Austin City Council boundaries.
"I wanted to recognize the challenges that you all faced this time that we didn't have last time. Number one is we were in a global pandemic. We were all struggling to adapt to real time virtual meetings and developing a coordinated community engagement plan for Austin residents to give input on this map. You all were able to do this within COVID-19 protocols. I think that was a significant feat and I'm really impressed," Stokes said. "That wasn't enough, though. You also had late Census data. When we set out to do this in late 2019, we had no idea you would have less time for public engagement, and you were still able to pull that off, so I am so impressed with this group."
The ICRC held 20 public forums from July through October, four more than mandated by the City Charter. Since July, commissioners spent over 23 hours in meetings, hosted 173 attendees, listened to 82 speakers, collected 70 maps and 187 emails.
"I want to thank the voters of Austin for establishing this process for redistricting," Blank said. "While city councils, commissioners courts, and legislatures throughout the country engage in a process wherein, for the most part, elected officials pick their voters, ours was a process of citizens representing their fellow citizens in an effort to create a city council map that as accurately as possible, reflects the many, often overlapping, communities of this great city that we all clearly hold dearly."
The ICRC will present the certified map to the Austin City Council by the Nov. 1 deadline set out in the City Charter. The commission will remain inactive except when necessary to comply with its duties under the City Charter mandate.
To contact the commission please email:; call 512- 512-710-5329 or write to: Housing and Planning Department, Attn: ICRC, P.O. Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78767.
Watch this space for up-to-date information on redistricting
Share Watch this space for up-to-date information on redistricting on Facebook Share Watch this space for up-to-date information on redistricting on Twitter Share Watch this space for up-to-date information on redistricting on Linkedin Email Watch this space for up-to-date information on redistricting linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
Final Public Forum No. 3
Share Final Public Forum No. 3 on Facebook Share Final Public Forum No. 3 on Twitter Share Final Public Forum No. 3 on Linkedin Email Final Public Forum No. 3 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.All residents of Austin and the public are invited to attend the third of three public meetings to view and provide feedback on the final City Council district map and to hear from the ICRC about the process used for creating the new boundaries.
When: Wednesday, Oct. 20, 6-8 p.m.
Where: Dell Jewish Community Center, 7300 Hart Lane, Austin, TX 78731
The 14 selected commissioners will gather public input through October. New districts in effect for the November 2022 election.
Final Public Forum No. 2
Share Final Public Forum No. 2 on Facebook Share Final Public Forum No. 2 on Twitter Share Final Public Forum No. 2 on Linkedin Email Final Public Forum No. 2 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.All residents of Austin and the public are invited to attend the second of three public meetings to view and provide feedback on the final City Council district map and to hear from the ICRC about the process used for creating the new boundaries.
When: Monday, Oct. 18, 6-8 p.m.
Where: Via videoconference
Register by clicking this link
The 14 selected commissioners will gather public input through October. New districts in effect for the November 2022 election.
Final Public Forum No. 1
Share Final Public Forum No. 1 on Facebook Share Final Public Forum No. 1 on Twitter Share Final Public Forum No. 1 on Linkedin Email Final Public Forum No. 1 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.All residents of Austin and the public are invited to attend the first of three public meetings to view and provide feedback on the final City Council district map and to hear from the ICRC about the process used for creating the new boundaries.
When: Saturday, Oct. 16, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Where: South Austin Recreation Center, 1100 Cumberland Road, Austin, TX 78704
The 14 selected commissioners will gather public input through October. New districts in effect for the November 2022 election.
Public Forum No. 5
Share Public Forum No. 5 on Facebook Share Public Forum No. 5 on Twitter Share Public Forum No. 5 on Linkedin Email Public Forum No. 5 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.All residents of Austin and the public are invited to attend the fifth of five public meetings to provide public comment and feedback on the preliminary City Council district map and to hear from the ICRC about the process used for creating the new boundaries.
When: Saturday, Oct. 2, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Where: Travis County Community Center at Oak Hill, 8656 Highway 71, Austin, TX 78735
If you would like to leave written feedback and upload an annotated map of your own, please visit this link, then click on the "Event Feedback" tab. It will prompt you to register for the site. After you register, you can take the survey and upload any documents you would like the commission to consider.
The 14 selected commissioners will gather public input through October. New districts in effect for the November 2022 election.
Public Forum No. 4
Share Public Forum No. 4 on Facebook Share Public Forum No. 4 on Twitter Share Public Forum No. 4 on Linkedin Email Public Forum No. 4 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.All residents of Austin and the public are invited to attend the fourth of five public meetings to provide public comment and feedback on the preliminary City Council district map and to hear from the ICRC about the process used for creating the new boundaries.
When: Tuesday, Sept. 28, 6-8 p.m.
Where: Videoconference via Zoom
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
If you would like to leave written feedback and upload an annotated map of your own, please visit this link, then click on the "Event Feedback" tab. It will prompt you to register for the site. After you register, you can take the survey and upload any documents you would like the commission to consider.
The 14 selected commissioners will gather public input through October. New districts in effect for the November 2022 election.
Public Forum No. 3
Share Public Forum No. 3 on Facebook Share Public Forum No. 3 on Twitter Share Public Forum No. 3 on Linkedin Email Public Forum No. 3 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.All residents of Austin and the public are invited to attend the third of five public meetings to provide public comment and feedback on the preliminary City Council District Map and to hear from the ICRC about the process used for creating the new boundaries.
When: Saturday, Sept. 25, 1-3 p.m.
Where: George Morales Dove Springs Recreation Center, 5801 Ainez Dr., Austin, TX 78744
If you would like to leave written feedback and upload an annotated map of your own, please visit this link, then click on the "Event Feedback" tab. It will prompt you to register for the site. After you register, you can take the survey and upload any documents you would like the commission to consider.
The 14 selected commissioners will gather public input through October. New districts in effect for the November 2022 election.
Public Forum No. 2
Share Public Forum No. 2 on Facebook Share Public Forum No. 2 on Twitter Share Public Forum No. 2 on Linkedin Email Public Forum No. 2 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.All residents of Austin and the public are invited to attend the second of five public meetings to provide public comment and feedback on the preliminary City Council District Map and to hear from the ICRC about the process used for creating the new boundaries.
When: Tuesday, Sept. 21, 6-8 p.m.
Where: Mayfield Cottage, 3505 W. 35th St., Austin TX 7803
If you would like to leave written feedback and upload an annotated map of your own, please visit this link, then click on the "Event Feedback" tab. It will prompt you to register for the site. After you register, you can take the survey and upload any documents you would like the commission to consider.
The 14 selected commissioners will gather public input through October. New districts in effect for the November 2022 election.
Public Forum No. 1
Share Public Forum No. 1 on Facebook Share Public Forum No. 1 on Twitter Share Public Forum No. 1 on Linkedin Email Public Forum No. 1 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.All residents of Austin and the public are invited to attend the first of five public meetings to provide public comment and feedback on the preliminary City Council district map and to hear from the ICRC about the process used for creating the new boundaries.
When: Saturday, Sept. 18, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Where: Gus Garcia Recreation Center, 1201 E. Runberg Lane, Austin, TX 78753
If you would like to leave written feedback and upload an annotated map of your own, please visit this link, then click on the "Event Feedback" tab. It will prompt you to register for the site. After you register, you can take the survey and upload any documents you would like the commission to consider.
The 14 selected commissioners will gather public input through October. New districts in effect for the November 2022 election.
2021 ICRC Austin City Council District Maps
2021 ICRC Final Austin City Council District Maps
ICRC Final Map 10-6-21.jpg (8.13 MB) (jpg)
ICRC Final Map D1 10-6-21_.jpg (1.1 MB) (jpg)
ICRC Final Map D2 10-6-21_.jpg (884 KB) (jpg)
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ICRC Final Map D6 10-6-21_.jpg (1.24 MB) (jpg)
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ICRC Final Map D9 10-6-21_.jpg (1.23 MB) (jpg)
ICRC Final Map D10 10-6-21_.jpg (1.01 MB) (jpg)
View a downloadable "2021 ICRC Preliminary Map - Citywide" below
View downloadable "2021 ICRC Preliminary Maps of Districts 1-10" below
Who's Listening
Reach the Commissioners
Preparing to Launch the Redistricting Process
Shape Austin's Future - Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission has finished this stageThe process launched on June 1, 2020.
Accepting Applications
Shape Austin's Future - Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission has finished this stageWe are accepting applications for the Applicant Review Panel through September 1 and for the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission through September 30.
Selecting Panel Members
Shape Austin's Future - Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission has finished this stageWe will randomly select 3 applicants to serve on the Applicant Review Panel on October 1.
Selecting Commission Members
Shape Austin's Future - Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission has finished this stageThe Applicant Review Panel will select the 60 most qualified Commission applicants. The final 14 commissioners will be selected from this qualified pool. Learn more about the process for selecting the 14 commissioners here.
Redrawing Boundaries
Shape Austin's Future - Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission is currently at this stageThe 14 selected commissioners will gather public input and adopt a final plan for the district boundaries. March 2021 through November 2021. New districts in effect for the 2022 election.