CarverMuseumATX planning process

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CarverATX Phase II Planning: The George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural, and Genealogy Center Phase II master planning will continue the previous planning efforts to guide future development in alignment with the community’s values, needs, and priorities.

The CarverMuseumATX facility expansion planning process continued the previous planning efforts of the George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural, and Genealogy Center, guiding future development in alignment with the community’s values, needs, and priorities.

This process buillt off of the Feasibility Study for the Expansion of the George Washington Carver Museum & Cultural Center from 2000. The objective was to develop a facility expansion plan update that takes into consideration the site’s current usage and changes to the surrounding area. Extensive community engagement will help inform the planning, design and development of a facility that reflects community sentiment.

The Facility Expansion Plan was approved by City Council on June 10, 2021.

Anticipated Presentation to Boards, Commissions, and City Council

The CarverMuseumATX facility expansion planning process continued the previous planning efforts of the George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural, and Genealogy Center, guiding future development in alignment with the community’s values, needs, and priorities.

This process buillt off of the Feasibility Study for the Expansion of the George Washington Carver Museum & Cultural Center from 2000. The objective was to develop a facility expansion plan update that takes into consideration the site’s current usage and changes to the surrounding area. Extensive community engagement will help inform the planning, design and development of a facility that reflects community sentiment.

The Facility Expansion Plan was approved by City Council on June 10, 2021.

Anticipated Presentation to Boards, Commissions, and City Council

Discussions: All (3) Open (0)
  • Community Meeting 3 - Feedback Opportunity

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    On November 21, 2020, PARD hosted the third virtual community meeting to discuss the George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural and Genealogical Center Facility Expansion Plan. Community members were shown the draft for the expansion in order to get community input.

    For those who were unable to attend, we invite you to provide feedback. Below are links to the presentation slides and the video of the meeting. Please let us know your thoughts.

  • Community Meeting 2 - Feedback Opportunity

    over 4 years ago
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    On October 3, 2020, PARD hosted the second virtual community meeting to discuss the George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural and Genealogical Center Facility Expansion Plan. Community members were shown three concepts for the expansion in order to get community input.

    For those who were unable to attend, we invite you to provide feedback. Below are links to the presentation slides and the video of the meeting. Please let us know your thoughts.

    After viewing the slides or video, please share your feedback. 

    What is your initial impression? What do you like or dislike about each option? What is missing or needs more emphasis? 

    We would like your feedback by October 20, 2020, in order to create the draft plan. Share your feedback.

  • Community Meeting 1 - Feedback Opportunities

    over 4 years ago
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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The Austin Parks and Recreation Department hosted the first virtual community meeting discussing the facility expansion planning for the George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural, and Genealogy Center. At the meeting, the planning team was introduced before giving site information, reviewing community input received so far, and facilitating small group conversations.

    Below is the video of the meeting followed by questions for you to provide feedback.

    Presentation (PDF)


    Q1: What facilities, resources, and amenities do you anticipate the future generations of Carver Museum users will need in order to sustain a thriving Black community?

    Q2: What additions do current users of the Museum need most urgently and how will this support the future growth and development of the Museum?