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Proud of the transportation planning

My family moved here last year for my job. We live in the city, and one of our family members attends public high school and rides Cap Metro to school (and wherever else they want to go). Our high-schooler has a wonderful quality of life here, due to the welcoming school and the cost-free public transportation.

Although I am currently working nearly 100% from home, my office is in downtown, and I often ride the public transit on the occasions when I do have to report to the office. I love that the city feels strongly enough about public transit to underwrite the cost for students, and sometimes for adults! I would love to see public transit nurtured and further expanded.

I've been excited to see that the city's transportation planning doesn't just prioritize automobiles. I follow the I-35 controversies, and have been very pleased to see that the city is considering the positive AND negative impacts that highway expansion could have on the residents of the city. Austin's quality of life can be so much higher than other cities--I hope the city and its residents don't limit their imagination or aspirations to "typical American city."

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