Branding the City of Austin

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The City of Austin is asking for community-wide input to create a consistent and clear City of Austin brand.

Why does brand matter to the community?

Branding is more than a logo, it is a verbal, visual, and sometimes emotional expression, or experience of an organization.

It is how we build trust and encourage community members to become involved. When you see things that are important to you in your City government, you see the City creating solutions for all its residents.

Unsure of which local services the City offers and operates? That’s branding.

Would you know what information was shared by the City if you saw a logo alone? That’s branding.

When you think about your last experience with the City, did you feel like the process was made with your needs in mind? That’s branding.

How does the City build or define a brand?

The information we learn from your feedback will help to improve engagement, awareness, and pride with the community, local businesses, and visitors. Your feedback will also help us to create or expand a brand that makes a statement about who the City is and who we aspire to be. This process is Community Visioning.

The Austin City Council adopted a strategic direction on March 8, 2018, guiding the City of Austin for up to five years. This shared vision outlines six priority outcomes. Under the priority strategic outcome, Government That Works for All.

Recognition, trust, and consistency are important for the City of Austin government when communicating with Austinites and keeping you informed. That's why the City of Austin would like to hear from you on how we can improve our communication with you.

How Can I Get Involved?

There are many ways you can share your thoughts and ideas to help us understand what values are most important when you hear from the City in Community Visioning.

Share at your own pace without group conversation

Bookmark this community information page to learn more about what we heard and what happens next.

If you have questions about the event, or need more resources, email us at Request a language interpreter by calling 3-1-1 no later than five days before the event.


The City of Austin is asking for community-wide input to create a consistent and clear City of Austin brand.

Why does brand matter to the community?

Branding is more than a logo, it is a verbal, visual, and sometimes emotional expression, or experience of an organization.

It is how we build trust and encourage community members to become involved. When you see things that are important to you in your City government, you see the City creating solutions for all its residents.

Unsure of which local services the City offers and operates? That’s branding.

Would you know what information was shared by the City if you saw a logo alone? That’s branding.

When you think about your last experience with the City, did you feel like the process was made with your needs in mind? That’s branding.

How does the City build or define a brand?

The information we learn from your feedback will help to improve engagement, awareness, and pride with the community, local businesses, and visitors. Your feedback will also help us to create or expand a brand that makes a statement about who the City is and who we aspire to be. This process is Community Visioning.

The Austin City Council adopted a strategic direction on March 8, 2018, guiding the City of Austin for up to five years. This shared vision outlines six priority outcomes. Under the priority strategic outcome, Government That Works for All.

Recognition, trust, and consistency are important for the City of Austin government when communicating with Austinites and keeping you informed. That's why the City of Austin would like to hear from you on how we can improve our communication with you.

How Can I Get Involved?

There are many ways you can share your thoughts and ideas to help us understand what values are most important when you hear from the City in Community Visioning.

Share at your own pace without group conversation

Bookmark this community information page to learn more about what we heard and what happens next.

If you have questions about the event, or need more resources, email us at Request a language interpreter by calling 3-1-1 no later than five days before the event.

Share Your Story

The most valuable brand stories live in the experiences of the people who live and work in Austin—and we want to hear from you. Did you start a business or a family here? Buy your first home or have you lived here since college? Have you recently had an experience with a City program or service that was worth sharing?

Maybe your family migrated to Austin from another country or industry-inspired your relocation. Do you enjoy spending time in the City’s beautiful parks and trails, or are you connected with local politics, using your voice to shape the future?

Whatever your Austin story is, we want to hear from you.

Thank you for sharing your story with us.
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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