Artist Access Program

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Consultation has concluded

The Artist Access Program was developed in response to a City Council Resolution on providing longer hours at the cultural centers of the Austin Parks and Recreation department for the purposes of providing free or low-cost access to rehearsal and performance space at the City of Austin Cultural Centers. During their time of residency, cultural artists will produce innovative and professional artworks to be presented and publicly engaged at the Center. The program seeks to expand increased partnerships, artistic production, tourism, and cultural expansion and innovation.

The Community Engagement process will be facilitated by a seven member panel made up of representatives of seven different Council appointed Boards and Commissions:

  • African American Resource Advisory Commision
  • Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission
  • Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission
  • Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory Board
  • Art Commission
  • Parks and Recreation Board
  • Music Commission

The group's goal is to develop recommendations for Cultural Division staff to adapt to the program for improvement and benefit to artist.

We are now in the Final Recommendations stage. The final recommendations from the Artist Access Program Committee can be found in the Document Library. Additionally the program guidelines, contract, and sample application can be found. These documents require review by the PARD Director and Law Department for final approval.

The Artist Access Program was developed in response to a City Council Resolution on providing longer hours at the cultural centers of the Austin Parks and Recreation department for the purposes of providing free or low-cost access to rehearsal and performance space at the City of Austin Cultural Centers. During their time of residency, cultural artists will produce innovative and professional artworks to be presented and publicly engaged at the Center. The program seeks to expand increased partnerships, artistic production, tourism, and cultural expansion and innovation.

The Community Engagement process will be facilitated by a seven member panel made up of representatives of seven different Council appointed Boards and Commissions:

  • African American Resource Advisory Commision
  • Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission
  • Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission
  • Mexican American Cultural Center Advisory Board
  • Art Commission
  • Parks and Recreation Board
  • Music Commission

The group's goal is to develop recommendations for Cultural Division staff to adapt to the program for improvement and benefit to artist.

We are now in the Final Recommendations stage. The final recommendations from the Artist Access Program Committee can be found in the Document Library. Additionally the program guidelines, contract, and sample application can be found. These documents require review by the PARD Director and Law Department for final approval.