June 04 2019

Amplified Sound Compatibility Staff Recommendations: Resolution No. 20181018-038

Memo to Mayor & Council on June 4th, 2019, outlining Staff Recomendations for Amplified Sound Compatibility.

April 13 2019

Amplified Sound Compatibility MTG 4

Join us for the next Amplified Sound Compatibility Community Engagement meeting on Saturday, April 13, from 1:30-3:30 p.m. at City Hall (301 W 2nd Street). The meeting will be a presentation of what we heard and draft recommendations by RHI Consultant Jocelyn Kane.

RSVP is encouraged, but not required. Join the Facebook invite and invite folks at https://www.facebook.com/events/780722572311246/.

Interpretation services can be coordinated by request. For ASL services, call our TDD/TTY number 512-972-9848. For all other languages, please contact Kimberly McCarson at Kimberly.mccarson@austintexas.gov or 512-974-7963 for questions or assistance.
March 14 2019

SXSW 2019 Music & Entertainment Division Welcome Reception & Official Showcase

Welcome Reception, 4:30-6:30
SXSW 2019 Official Showcase, 7pm-Midnight (Showcase open to the public--no festival credentials required)
Sheraton backYARD at Waller Creek, 701 East 11th Street
RSVP to music@austintexas.gov

February 23 2019

Community Ride Along w/ Music & Entertainment Nights & Weekend Staff

Please contact music@austintexas.gov

February 02 2019

Amplified Sound Compatibility MTG 3

Please join us at LZR on Saturday, February 2, 1:30–3:30 pm
LZR, 612 W 4th St
December 05 2018

Amplified Sound Compatibility MTG 2

Listening Session with stakeholders at Doris Miller Auditorium.
November 28 2018

Amplified Sound Compatibility MTG 1

Convened stakeholders at City Hall to view and provide questions to an online panel of experts from Toronto, San Francisco, and Brisbane, Australia to discuss nightlife compatibility issues in their cities.
October 18 2018

Austin City Council Resolution No. 20181018-038

Council Resolution No. 20181018-038 directed City Staff to propose programs, rules, and ordinances necessary to improve compatibility between residents, lodging establishments, and music-related businesses so that they may co-exist peacefully and amicably share in Austin's world renowned night time economy and to help live music venues and their communities to grow and prosper together. Staff was also directed to consider stakeholder suggestions, including those found in Exhibits A, B, and C of this Resolution and other recommendations identified in the course of the stakeholder feedback process.