Entertainment & Amplified Sound Compatibility Engagement
Consultation has concluded

The City of Austin is committed to supporting live music and entertainment venues and their essential contribution to Austin’s culture and nighttime economy, while preserving the quality of life for Austinites and visitors. From October 2018–May 2019, the Music & Entertainment Division (MED) within the Economic Development Department (EDD) convened experts, community stakeholders, and City staff to formulate recommendations for Mayor and Council for improving Amplified Sound Compatibility.
Because of the diligent participation of all involved, recommendations have been formed that are community informed and professionally qualified for strategic implementation. The document Amplified Sound Compatibility Staff Recommendations to Mayor & Council: Resolution No. 20181018-038_6-4-19 is uploaded in the Final Reports & Background section of this web page and includes the following:
- Memo to Mayor and Council with Implementation Strategy
- Responsible Hospitality Institute’s Action Report
- MED's Stakeholder Feedback Summary Report
The memo provided to Mayor and Council indicates that no immediate policy direction is necessary, and that staff is already in the administrative process of working through several recommendations informed by stakeholder feedback. Transparency and accountability are critical for proceeding and maintaining the trust built with the community through this process; therefore, staff will work with the Chair and members of the Austin Music Commission to provide monthly reports on the progress of the outlined steps, as well as on any unforeseen changes related to implementing recommendations.
MED is excited to bring forward the work stakeholders have elevated through this engagement and to deliver recommendation outcomes in the community. Staff also appreciates each stakeholder who participated in this collaborative effort to preserve Austin’s unique music culture, while supporting our nighttime economy and preserving the quality of life for all Austinites.