AEGB Commercial Rating Update

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Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) is updating its Commercial Rating in response to new building codes and City policies such as the Climate Equity Plan. Your feedback on the structure and content of the rating system is vital in creating a tool that supports our community through high-performing and health-promoting buildings.


Since 1991, Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) has cultivated innovation in building for the enrichment of the community's environmental, economic, and human well-being. We accomplish this through green building ratings, consulting services, code advancement, education, and professional development. As the city and the community grows, we continue to raise the standards for energy efficiency, water quality and conservation, indoor environmental quality, material resources, and site development. Austin Energy Green Building is updating the Commercial Rating for the first time since 2016 to reflect the changes in local goals, codes and policies that have been adopted since then, as well as advances in building technology and practices and lessons learned over the past six years. Together, we will address the current environmental, community, health, and economic issues specific to Central Texas. As part of a global ecosystem, the choices we make close to home have impact across the entire planet, which is why it is important to engage with our community and get it right.


Austin Energy Green Building’s Commercial Team works collaboratively with other City departments, local non-profit organizations, and building professionals and meets these goals by developing standards that encourage higher performance levels in the design and development industry The rating systems reward sustainable building practices, lead to high-performing buildings and create market demand for more sustainable buildings. Projects are rated on a scale of one to five stars based on a points system of required and voluntary sustainable measures. As the market recognizes the need and benefit of sustainable building practices introduced through the AEGB rating, these measures are incorporated into Austin’s codes and local building regulations.


One of the primary goals of this AEGB Commercial Rating update is to implement the directives of the Austin Climate Equity Plan. Austin’s Climate Equity Plan was created with input from nearly 200 community members, with intentional focus on engaging racially and economically diverse residents about the challenges, barriers, and opportunities facing historically excluded groups. Community Climate Ambassadors were mobilized to engage members of our community on climate-related topics and provide feedback on potential strategies. Additionally, each strategy in the plan was evaluated through an equity tool that accounted for outcomes related to health, affordability, accessibility, community capacity, cultural preservation, accountability, and a just transition to green jobs.


Community participation is an important part of this program update. Check back through the update process as we share the latest drafts, collect feedback, and answer questions.


Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) is updating its Commercial Rating in response to new building codes and City policies such as the Climate Equity Plan. Your feedback on the structure and content of the rating system is vital in creating a tool that supports our community through high-performing and health-promoting buildings.


Since 1991, Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB) has cultivated innovation in building for the enrichment of the community's environmental, economic, and human well-being. We accomplish this through green building ratings, consulting services, code advancement, education, and professional development. As the city and the community grows, we continue to raise the standards for energy efficiency, water quality and conservation, indoor environmental quality, material resources, and site development. Austin Energy Green Building is updating the Commercial Rating for the first time since 2016 to reflect the changes in local goals, codes and policies that have been adopted since then, as well as advances in building technology and practices and lessons learned over the past six years. Together, we will address the current environmental, community, health, and economic issues specific to Central Texas. As part of a global ecosystem, the choices we make close to home have impact across the entire planet, which is why it is important to engage with our community and get it right.


Austin Energy Green Building’s Commercial Team works collaboratively with other City departments, local non-profit organizations, and building professionals and meets these goals by developing standards that encourage higher performance levels in the design and development industry The rating systems reward sustainable building practices, lead to high-performing buildings and create market demand for more sustainable buildings. Projects are rated on a scale of one to five stars based on a points system of required and voluntary sustainable measures. As the market recognizes the need and benefit of sustainable building practices introduced through the AEGB rating, these measures are incorporated into Austin’s codes and local building regulations.


One of the primary goals of this AEGB Commercial Rating update is to implement the directives of the Austin Climate Equity Plan. Austin’s Climate Equity Plan was created with input from nearly 200 community members, with intentional focus on engaging racially and economically diverse residents about the challenges, barriers, and opportunities facing historically excluded groups. Community Climate Ambassadors were mobilized to engage members of our community on climate-related topics and provide feedback on potential strategies. Additionally, each strategy in the plan was evaluated through an equity tool that accounted for outcomes related to health, affordability, accessibility, community capacity, cultural preservation, accountability, and a just transition to green jobs.


Community participation is an important part of this program update. Check back through the update process as we share the latest drafts, collect feedback, and answer questions.

This project has concluded. Thank you.

Please submit any questions you have about AEGB or the rating update process.