Asian American Resource Center Master Plan Update

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Consultation has concluded

AARC Master Plan Update image

The City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department is developing a new vision and Master Plan for the Asian American Resource Center (AARC). The process will seek public input on programming, the existing building, new facilities, parking, access and circulation, landscaping, and other potential design elements for the entire 15 acre site.

Sign up here for email updates.

The City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department is developing a new vision and Master Plan for the Asian American Resource Center (AARC). The process will seek public input on programming, the existing building, new facilities, parking, access and circulation, landscaping, and other potential design elements for the entire 15 acre site.

Sign up here for email updates.

Consultation has concluded
  • Asian American Resource Center Master Plan Update, Community Engagement Report

    Share Asian American Resource Center Master Plan Update, Community Engagement Report on Facebook Share Asian American Resource Center Master Plan Update, Community Engagement Report on Twitter Share Asian American Resource Center Master Plan Update, Community Engagement Report on Linkedin Email Asian American Resource Center Master Plan Update, Community Engagement Report link

    This report is a summary of all input from the first phase of the project. It include comments from the first community meeting and small group conversations. The team developed Values Statements as a result of feedback from the community. The values will help guide the design concepts.

  • Community Meeting #2 Announcement

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    AARC Master Plan Update Community Meeting #2

    & Small Groups 1-2-2019 (Small Group Attendees)

    Community Meeting #2

    Austin Parks and Recreation will be hosting the second community meeting for the Asian American Resource Center Master Plan Update.

    AARC Ballroom
    8401 Cameron Road
    Austin, Texas 78754
    Thursday, January 31, 2019
    6 to 8 PM

    This meeting will confirm what we've heard so far and focus on developing values that align with the vision of the future of the AARC.

    This event will have family-friendly activities for kids and light snacks to enjoy.

    Request a language interpreter for your preferred language by calling Austin 3-1-1 no later than five days before the meeting.

    Small Group Discussions

    In addition to the community meeting, Austin Parks and Recreation will be hosting small group discussions. The four meetings below will be at the AARC and will focus on the groups listed:

    • Seniors and RICE Participants- January 14 to January 17, each day, 10 to 11:30 AM
    • Artists and Creatives- Thursday, January 17, 6:30 to 8 PM
    • Renters and Community Room Users- Thursday, January 24, 6:30 to 8 PM
    • Collaborators and Partners- Friday, January 25, 1 to 2:30 PM

    If you are a part of a group and are interested in hosting a small group discussion for your group, please

    Take the AARC Survey (ends January 24)

    Additional Background Information

    For more information on the history of the AARC Master Plan and to give feedback online, please visit
    參與AARC問卷調查(1月24日結束)( 繁體中文 )
    参与亚裔美国人资源中心调查(1 月 24 日截止)( 繁體中文 )
    若要获取有关 AARC 总体规划的更多历史信息和提供在线反馈,请访问

    Tham gia điền Bản Khảo Sát Ý Kiến AARC (kết thúc vào ngày 24 tháng Một)
    Thông Tin Thêm về Bối Cảnh
    Để tìm hiểu thêm về lịch sử của Kế Hoạch Chủ Chốt AARC và cung cấp ý kiến phản hồi trên mạng trực tuyến, vui lòng truy cập website
    AARCMP-update@austintexas.gov로 이메일을 보내 주시기 바랍니다.

    AARC 설문조사 참여(1월 24일 종료)
    AARC Master Plan의 내력에 관한 상세한 정보가 필요하시거나 온라인 피드백을 주시려면, 웹사이트를 방문하시기 바랍니다.
    معلومات أساسية إضافية
    للمزيد من المعلومات حول تاريخ الخطة الرئيسية لمركز الموارد الأمريكي الآسيوي ولإبداء تعليقات وأراء عبر الإنترنت، يُرجى زيارة

  • Community Meeting #1 Media Release

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    For immediate release:
    November 15, 2018
    Media Line:
    Austin Parks & Recreation Department - Communications & Engagement Unit - (512) 974-6723

    AARC launches Master Plan Update with First Meeting
    December 11, 2018
    繁體中文 简体中文 Tiếng Việt 한국어 باللغة العربية

    The Asian American Resource Center (AARC) will begin the process of a master plan update with a community meeting on December 11, 2018 at the AARC Ballroom.

    Community Meeting #1
    AARC Ballroom
    8401 Cameron Rd.
    Austin, TX 78754
    6 PM to 8 PM

    This meeting will provide community members a project overview, the goals and objectives of the process, and an opportunity to share their vision and values for the future of the AARC.

    The mission of the AARC is to provide spaces, services, resources, and programs through an Asian American Pacific Islander perspective. The vision is to empower Austin's diverse communities through cultural understanding and life-enhancing opportunities. The Asian American and Pacific Islander community continue to be the fastest growing demographic in Austin, making up more than 8% of the current population.

    The initial master plan was completed in 2006, and construction of Phase I was completed 5 years ago. Since then, the AARC has brought in more than 200,000 visitors, served more than 20,000 lunches to seniors, and supported more than 3,900 artists.

    For more information about the AARC and the background of the 2006 master plan, visit

    A language interpreter can be requested by calling Austin 3-1-1 no later than five days before the meeting.


    奧斯汀公園與休閒部門(Austin Parks and Recreation)將舉辦首次社區會議,討論亞裔美國人資源中心(Asian American Resource Center)總體規劃更新資訊。
    AARC Ballroom
    8401 Cameron Road
    Austin, Texas 78754


    請在會議召開前至少提前五天撥打電話號碼Austin 3-1-1,請求提供您希望使用的語言的口譯員服務。

    AARC 总体规划更新

    Austin Parks and Recreation 将举办第一次社区会议,旨在更新美国亚裔资源中心总体规划。

    8401 Cameron Road
    Austin, Texas 78754
    2018 年 12 月 11 日,星期二
    下午 6 点至 8 点

    这次会议将为社区成员提供这个流程的项目概述、目的和目标,以及分享未来 AARC 的愿景和价值的机会。

    请在会议开始前至少 5 天,致电奥斯汀 3-1-1,申请您首选语言的翻译员。

    Cập Nhật về Kế Hoạch Chủ Chốt AARC

    Buổi Họp Cộng Đồng
    Cơ Quan Công Viên và Giải Trí Austin sẽ tổ chức buổi họp cộng đồng đầu tiên để thông báo tin tức cập nhật về Kế Hoạch Chủ Chốt của Trung Tâm Nguồn Trợ Giúp Người Mỹ Gốc Á Châu.
    AARC Ballroom
    8401 Cameron Road
    Austin, Texas 78754

    Thứ Ba, 11 tháng Mười Hai, 2018
    6 giờ chiều đến 8 giờ tối
    Cuộc họp này sẽ cung cấp cho cư dân cộng đồng thông tin tổng quan về dự án, các mục tiêu và mục đích của quy trình, và cơ hội chia sẻ quan điểm cũng như tầm nhìn của họ về tương lai của AARC.

    Quý vị có thể yêu cầu một thông dịch viên cho ngôn ngữ mà quý vị muốn sử dụng bằng cách gọi Austin 3-1-1 trễ nhất là 5 ngày trước buổi họp.

    AARC(아시아계 미국인 자원 센터) 마스터 플랜 업데이트

    커뮤니티 모임 #1
    Austin Parks and Recreation (오스틴 파크 앤 레크리에이션)에서는 Asian American Resource Center Master Plan Update(아시아계 미국인 자원 센터 마스터 플랜 업데이트)를 위한 첫 번째 커뮤니티 모임을 주최하게 되었습니다.

    AARC Ballroom
    8401 Cameron Road
    Austin, Texas 78754
    Tuesday, December 11, 2018
    6 to 8 PM
    (우)78754 텍사스주 오스틴시
    카메론 로드 8401번지
    2018년 12월 11일 화요일
    오후 6-8시

    이번 모임을 통해 커뮤니티 구성원들에게 프로젝트 개요, 프로세스의 목표와 목적, 그리고 AARC의 미래 비전 및 가치를 공유할 기회를 제공하려고 합니다.

    늦어도 모임 5일 전까지Austin 3-1-1번으로 전화하여 여러분이 원하시는 언어의 통역사를 신청하십시오.
    تحديث الخطة الرئيسية لمركز الموارد الأمريكي الآسيوي (AARC) وتطويرها
    لقاء مجتمعي رقم 1
    يستضيف قسم الحدائق والمتنزهات والترفيه بمدينة أوستن اللقاء المجتمعي الأول لتحديث الخطة الرئيسية لمركز الموارد الأمريكي الآسيوي وتطويرها.
    قاعة مركز الموارد الأمريكي الأسيوي
    8401 طريق كاميرون
    أوستن، تكساس 78754
    الثلاثاء، 11 ديسمبر 2018
    من الساعة السادسة حتى الساعة الثامنة مساءً

    يهدف اللقاء إلى تعريف الزوار بنظرة عامة حول المشروع وأهداف عملية التطوير فضلًا عن إنه سيكون بمثابة فرصة لهم لمشاركة رؤيتهم لمستقبل مركز الموارد الأمريكي الآسيوي.

    مكنكم طلب مترجم فوري للغة المفضلة لديكم من خلال الاتصال على الرقم الآتي أوستن 3-1-1 وذلك قبل خمسة أيام من إقامة اللقاء.

  • Community Meeting #1 Announcement

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    The first Community Meeting for the AARC Master Plan Update was recently announced. Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, December 11, 6 PM to 8 PM at the AARC Ballroom.

    You can RSVP to the Facebook event by clicking this link:

    For additional information, please email