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Bedridden friends

We had two friends who were bedridden during the storm. One was chronically stuck in bed and we knew about her. the other we knew was ill but she became unable to care for herself during the storm.

The first lady, we got to her after a day of no power by chainsawing fallen trees off of the driveway and driving three blocks to deliver food and water. Her normal caregivers were unable to travel. On a good note there-- we called 911 and police and firemen did wellness checks. She did OK.

The second lady had a recent cancer operation and didn't have a phone, or flashlight or water nearby. She just waited and didn't take her required medications. We didn't know it was that bad and couldn't call or drive. She ultimately had a stroke and is slowly recovering but probably has permanent damage.

So, what needs to happen is a central registry of disabled persons with a proactive system to contact them during a disaster. And hospitals should place surgery patients on the list if only temporarily. People on that list need to be surveyed to make sure they have battery backups for communications. Batteries in the landline phones, backups for cellphones whatever. water and flashlights within reach.

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