Call for Community Ambassadors
This call is for community members to participate in the Urban Design Guidelines Revision process by signing up to be a Community Ambassador.
This group will be made up of diverse individuals whose primary role will be to engage their community in conversations about urban design issues and share their findings with us. This will help identify issues and priorities from community members that should be addressed in the update and create an opportunity for continued dialogue. Ambassadors will be asked to go out into your community and have conversations with neighbors about urban design, find out what people care about, what they like and don’t like. Ambassadors will receive training before starting and will be provided a survey with questions, talking points, prompts, and goals. The time commitment for Ambassadors will be to attend one 90-minute training session, attend a 2-hour Steering Committee once a month for 5 months, and to spend a few hours each month engaging with their community.
Note: There are limited number of positions available, so not everyone will be selected to participate. You can sign up to be both an Advisory Group Member and a Community Ambassador. The survey will close on September 13.
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