Call for Advisory Group Members
This call is for community members to participate in the Urban Design Guidelines Revision process by signing up to be an Advisory Group Member.
Advisory Groups will be made up of Design Commissioners, city staff, community members, and urban design professionals. The members’ primary role will be to discuss issues related to their topic and to draft the design guidelines for it. Each Advisory Group will be led by 1 staff person and 1 Design Commissioner. The time commitment for Advisory Group Members will be to meet for 2 hours every 2 weeks throughout the duration of the process, which is estimated to be around 10 months. There will be five Advisory Groups, each with a different focus related to Urban Design. Each group will be tasked with creating guidelines in their subject matter that address Climate & Environment, Mobility & Connectivity, Equity & Affordability, Adaptability & Resilience, Preservation of Austin Culture, Project Types, Adopted Plans & Policies, and Design Excellence.
The five Advisory Groups are:
- Buildings: Focus is on all occupiable structures, both public and private.
- Public Spaces: Focus is on public gathering spaces, including plazas, open spaces, parks, trails, etc.
- Streetscape: Focus is on design elements in the public realm, including furniture, trees, art, lighting, signage, barriers, fencing, etc.
- Urban Structure: Focus is on site design that weaves new development into the existing context to reinforce the surrounding urban fabric, including protecting views, respecting surrounding neighborhoods, connecting pathways, etc.
- Infrastructure: Focus is on non-occupiable structures that are experienced by the public, including bridges, water towers, substations, public transportation stations, etc.
Note: There is a limited number of positions available, so not everyone will be selected to participate. You can sign up to be both an Advisory Group Member and a Community Ambassador. The survey will close on September 13.
Data Disclosure: I understand that any information I provide to the City of Austin is subject to release pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act unless otherwise excepted for disclosure and the information will be retained as required by record retention requirements.