August 05 2021

Proposals Due

All submissions must be postmarked prior to the due date to be considered under this solicitation. 

September 08 2021

Proposal Scoring

The RFP Evaluation Panel will score each complete proposal submitted prior to the due date.

September 10 2021

Public Evaluation

AHFC shall provide an online platform available to the public for three weeks in which they may share which Proposal they prefer most.   This information shall be provided to the AHFC Executive Team and Board of Directors in addition to the RFP Evaluation Panel Scores, to aid each in recommending and selecting a preferred Proposal.

October 04 2021

Executive Team Recommendation

The AHFC Executive Team reviews RFP Evaluation Panel Scores and Public Preference and recommends a Proposal to the Board of Directors for selection.

November 02 2021

Board Selection

The Board convenes publicly and selects a winning Proposal.

February 01 2022

Development Agreement Executed