2022 Austin Energy Base Rate Review

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Austin Energy’s Proposed Base Rate Changes 

 Austin Energy completed a financial review that looked at Fiscal Year 2021 data on the costs of providing electric service. That review found that Austin Energy needs to increase base revenue by $48 million through an overall base rate increase of 7.6 percent. If approved, this increase will help Austin Energy better recover its costs while continuing to provide value to the community.

To better recover costs and find financial stability, Austin Energy is proposing to:

  • Update an outdated residential base rate structure, which does not accurately recover the costs to serve customers.
  • Better recover fixed costs by relying less on energy sales.
  • Adjust for higher operation and maintenance costs.
  • Bring customers closer to what it costs to serve them, establishing more equitable charges as the community continues to grow. 

Find the full proposal and more details on the changes at austinenergy.com/go/rates.

For questions about the base rate review process, please email rates2022@austinenergy.com.

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Austin Energy’s Proposed Base Rate Changes 

 Austin Energy completed a financial review that looked at Fiscal Year 2021 data on the costs of providing electric service. That review found that Austin Energy needs to increase base revenue by $48 million through an overall base rate increase of 7.6 percent. If approved, this increase will help Austin Energy better recover its costs while continuing to provide value to the community.

To better recover costs and find financial stability, Austin Energy is proposing to:

  • Update an outdated residential base rate structure, which does not accurately recover the costs to serve customers.
  • Better recover fixed costs by relying less on energy sales.
  • Adjust for higher operation and maintenance costs.
  • Bring customers closer to what it costs to serve them, establishing more equitable charges as the community continues to grow. 

Find the full proposal and more details on the changes at austinenergy.com/go/rates.

For questions about the base rate review process, please email rates2022@austinenergy.com.