Parkland Dedication for Commercial Development

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Consultation has concluded

Public parks provide significant benefit for the well-being of Austin’s workforce and commerce, and new commercial developments create a need for additional parkland in order to serve future users of the commercial spaces. The Commercial Parkland Dedication Ordinance will complement the existing ordinance for residential and hotel/motel developments and provide parkland near where people live and work.

One of the Austin's growth tenets is to provide parks and open space close to where people live, work and play. Currently, Austin’s residential parkland dedication ordinance accounts for where people live by requiring new single-family, multi-family, and hotel developments to dedicate parkland or pay fees in-lieu of dedication, but not where they work and play -- the impact of commercial developments. A new Commercial Parkland Dedication (Commercial PLD) Ordinance would enact new requirements for parkland dedication or fee-in-lieu of parkland dedication to commercial developments.

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Public parks provide significant benefit for the well-being of Austin’s workforce and commerce, and new commercial developments create a need for additional parkland in order to serve future users of the commercial spaces. The Commercial Parkland Dedication Ordinance will complement the existing ordinance for residential and hotel/motel developments and provide parkland near where people live and work.

One of the Austin's growth tenets is to provide parks and open space close to where people live, work and play. Currently, Austin’s residential parkland dedication ordinance accounts for where people live by requiring new single-family, multi-family, and hotel developments to dedicate parkland or pay fees in-lieu of dedication, but not where they work and play -- the impact of commercial developments. A new Commercial Parkland Dedication (Commercial PLD) Ordinance would enact new requirements for parkland dedication or fee-in-lieu of parkland dedication to commercial developments.

For more information, email
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The following survey will help guide the Austin Parks and Recreation Department as they draft a new parkland dedication ordinance for commercial development to present before boards, commissions, and City Council.

    Parkland dedication is a local government requirement imposed on subdivision and site plan applications mandating the dedication of land for a park or the payment of a fee to be used by the governmental entity to acquire land or develop park facilities.

    Consultation has concluded
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