Our Parks Our Future: Austin Parks and Recreation Long Range Plan
Consultation has concluded
The Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) is in the final stages of developing the long range plan to guide the development and growth of Austin’s park system. You are invited to review the plan and see how the community's input has impacted the vision for the next 10 years.
View full draft of Long Range Plan as PDF here.
Scroll down to review the draft recommendations and long range plan. You can also view the comments received.
Our Parks, Our Future Long Range Plan Recommendations
The Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) is in the final stages of developing the long range plan to guide the development and growth of Austin’s park system. You are invited to review the plan and see how the community's input has impacted the vision for the next 10 years.
View full draft of Long Range Plan as PDF here.
Scroll down to review the draft recommendations and long range plan. You can also view the comments received.
Our Parks, Our Future Long Range Plan Recommendations
Full Draft Long Range Plan
by jzontini, over 5 years agoShare Full Draft Long Range Plan on Facebook Share Full Draft Long Range Plan on Twitter Share Full Draft Long Range Plan on Linkedin Email Full Draft Long Range Plan link11 ResponsesCLOSED: This discussion has concluded. -
Planning Sub-Area Maps
by Cara.Welch, over 5 years agoShare Planning Sub-Area Maps on Facebook Share Planning Sub-Area Maps on Twitter Share Planning Sub-Area Maps on Linkedin Email Planning Sub-Area Maps linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded. -
Station One: Welcome!
by Cara.Welch, almost 6 years agoShare Station One: Welcome! on Facebook Share Station One: Welcome! on Twitter Share Station One: Welcome! on Linkedin Email Station One: Welcome! linkThis discussion has concluded, but you can still review the information.
Share your personal story about the history of Austin parks?
Station Two: Why Plan?
by Cara.Welch, almost 6 years agoShare Station Two: Why Plan? on Facebook Share Station Two: Why Plan? on Twitter Share Station Two: Why Plan? on Linkedin Email Station Two: Why Plan? linkThis discussion has concluded, but you can still review the information.
What are your thoughts on the peer city review?
Station Three: What we've heard- are we right?
by Cara.Welch, almost 6 years agoShare Station Three: What we've heard- are we right? on Facebook Share Station Three: What we've heard- are we right? on Twitter Share Station Three: What we've heard- are we right? on Linkedin Email Station Three: What we've heard- are we right? linkThis discussion has concluded, but you can still review the information.Do you agree that these themes should be priorities? -
Station Four: Investing in Existing Parks
by Cara.Welch, almost 6 years agoShare Station Four: Investing in Existing Parks on Facebook Share Station Four: Investing in Existing Parks on Twitter Share Station Four: Investing in Existing Parks on Linkedin Email Station Four: Investing in Existing Parks linkThis discussion has concluded, but you can still review the information.
Share your thoughts on how we are currently investing.
Station Five: Existing Facility Distribution and Trends Impacting Park Planning
by Cara.Welch, almost 6 years agoShare Station Five: Existing Facility Distribution and Trends Impacting Park Planning on Facebook Share Station Five: Existing Facility Distribution and Trends Impacting Park Planning on Twitter Share Station Five: Existing Facility Distribution and Trends Impacting Park Planning on Linkedin Email Station Five: Existing Facility Distribution and Trends Impacting Park Planning linkThis discussion has concluded, but you can still review the information.
Station Six: Tell Us What You Want to See
by Cara.Welch, almost 6 years agoShare Station Six: Tell Us What You Want to See on Facebook Share Station Six: Tell Us What You Want to See on Twitter Share Station Six: Tell Us What You Want to See on Linkedin Email Station Six: Tell Us What You Want to See linkThis discussion has concluded, but you can still review the information.
We've summarized local trends and priority needs for the six park planning sub-areas in the city. Let us know if we are on the right track and what we are missing. You can navigate through each sub-area discussion.- Where can we improve access and connections to existing parks?
- Where should we invest in
improvements to and maintenance of existing parks?
- Where would you like new parks to be located?
Station Six: Central Sub-Area
by Cara.Welch, almost 6 years agoShare Station Six: Central Sub-Area on Facebook Share Station Six: Central Sub-Area on Twitter Share Station Six: Central Sub-Area on Linkedin Email Station Six: Central Sub-Area linkThis discussion has concluded, but you can still review the information.Where can we improve access and connections to existing parks?Where should we invest in improvements to and maintenance of existing parks?Where would you like new parks to be located?The community has said they would like to have more trails, natural spaces, outdoor pools, off-leash dog areas and community gardens. Where would they be located?
Station Six: North Sub-Area
by Cara.Welch, almost 6 years agoShare Station Six: North Sub-Area on Facebook Share Station Six: North Sub-Area on Twitter Share Station Six: North Sub-Area on Linkedin Email Station Six: North Sub-Area linkThis discussion has concluded, but you can still review the information.
Where can we improve access and connections to existing parks?Where should we invest in improvements to and maintenance of existing parks?Where would you like new parks to be located?The community has said they would like to have more trails, natural spaces, off-leash areas, water sport rentals, and community gardens. Where should they be located?
LRP Community Engagement Timeline
Phase 1: Our Parks, Our Future LRP Launch
Our Parks Our Future: Austin Parks and Recreation Long Range Plan has finished this stageOur Parks, Our Future 2018-2028 Long Range Plan begins by inviting the community into the process of shaping the future of Austin parks and facilities.
Phase 2: What do Austin Parks mean to you?
Our Parks Our Future: Austin Parks and Recreation Long Range Plan has finished this stageDuring this phase, PARD will engage the community to understand what is going well, what needs improvement, and where the opportunities and challenges are at our parks and facilities. -
Phase 3: Developing the Plan
Our Parks Our Future: Austin Parks and Recreation Long Range Plan has finished this stageThis phase begins the articulation of the Long Range Plan through multiple planning summits, open houses, and SpeakUp Austin forums. At the end of this phase, the LRP will be sent to the final decision makers for adoption..
Phase 4: Our Parks, Our Future LRP Final Report
Our Parks Our Future: Austin Parks and Recreation Long Range Plan is currently at this stageIn this final stage, the final Long Range Plan that is adopted will be shared throughout Austin and will begin implementation, looking toward the 100th anniversary of the Parks and Recreation Department in 2028.
Who's listening
Phone 512-974-6572 Email justin.schneider@austintexas.gov