NPA-2020-0014.02 (7800 Burleson Rd)

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

The City of Austin, Housing and Planning Department, has received neighborhood plan
amendment and zoning change applications for property located within the Southeast Combined (Southeast) Planning Area. A meeting notice was sent to people who live or own property within 500 feet of the property, or are a member of the planning contact team or a member of a registered neighborhood organization or environmental group who requested notification for the area.

Plan Amendment Case #: NPA-2020-0014.02
Zoning Case #: C14-2020-0101
Property address: 7800 Burleson Road (15.15 acs)

DATE: Monday, October 19, 2020
TIME: 6:00—7:30 pm

Click here for the Future Land Use Map

Click here for the Zoning Map

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