Latino Artist Residency Program (LARP) Review
Consultation has concluded

UPDATE: The PARD Executive Team approved of the LARP Review Panel Recommendations on Tuesday, April 2, 2019. On the following day, the ESB-MACC Advisory Board approved the recommendations with one exception: They requested that the two-term limit suggested by the Panel go to the Working Group discussion.
The LARP has become the Latino Artist Access Program. The final opportunity for input is on the draft contract below.
LARP fosters the development of Austin-area Latinx arts organizations and artists in all disciplines in an effort to build and enhance quality, sustainable community arts, and cultural programming. LARP is undergoing a review for the first time since it began in 2013 to ensure that the program can grow in its mission to tangibly benefit participants to graduate from the residency with a greater ability to sustain artistic production.
Austin Parks and Recreation is seeking Latinx artists throughout the community to weigh in on the the future of LARP. Please review the contract draft below and provide comments. Deadline for review is Thursday, June 27, 2019.
The Review Panel will review the contract comments at the end of June and pass recommendations to the PARD Executive Team. The updated draft will then be sent to the Law Department for review.
UPDATE: The PARD Executive Team approved of the LARP Review Panel Recommendations on Tuesday, April 2, 2019. On the following day, the ESB-MACC Advisory Board approved the recommendations with one exception: They requested that the two-term limit suggested by the Panel go to the Working Group discussion.
The LARP has become the Latino Artist Access Program. The final opportunity for input is on the draft contract below.
LARP fosters the development of Austin-area Latinx arts organizations and artists in all disciplines in an effort to build and enhance quality, sustainable community arts, and cultural programming. LARP is undergoing a review for the first time since it began in 2013 to ensure that the program can grow in its mission to tangibly benefit participants to graduate from the residency with a greater ability to sustain artistic production.
Austin Parks and Recreation is seeking Latinx artists throughout the community to weigh in on the the future of LARP. Please review the contract draft below and provide comments. Deadline for review is Thursday, June 27, 2019.
The Review Panel will review the contract comments at the end of June and pass recommendations to the PARD Executive Team. The updated draft will then be sent to the Law Department for review.
Contract Review: Addendum A - Articles 1, 2, 3
over 5 years agoShare Contract Review: Addendum A - Articles 1, 2, 3 on Facebook Share Contract Review: Addendum A - Articles 1, 2, 3 on Twitter Share Contract Review: Addendum A - Articles 1, 2, 3 on Linkedin Email Contract Review: Addendum A - Articles 1, 2, 3 link1 ResponseCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.For the final piece of the LARP Review, the Parks and Recreation Department is seeking community feedback on the main portions of the contract that all LAAP participants and PARD will sign. Addendum A (part 1) Article 1: Definitions, Article 2: Term, and Article 3: Approved Purpose of the contract is copied below. Comments must be submitted by Thursday, June 27, 2019.
You can all review a PDF of Addenda A, B, and C by clicking here.
Addendum A to Facility/PARK EVENT AGREEMENT
Latino Artist Access Program Agreement
This agreement relating to PARD’s Latino Artist Access Program (LAAP) is made this day of (Insert Date) between the City of Austin’s Parks and Recreation Department and (Insert Organization Name).
The purpose of the Latino Artist Access Program is to provide Latinx artists from all artistic disciplines access to space, access to community, and provide the community with access to Latinx arts. Each LAAP cohort is selected for a two-year term. Space can be used for rehearsals, performances, workshops, or to create small-scale works of art at the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center.
The following definitions are applicable to this addendum and all other addendums that follow.
1.01 “Approved Purpose” means the preparation and production of an art work for public presentation at a designated PARD facility and the offering of an arts education opportunity for the benefit of the public.
1.02 “Artists Roster” means a directory of artists associated with the Partner’s team members.
1.03 “Collaboration” means the direct participation of the Partner’s principal(s) in at least two aspects of the production of an artwork for public presentation such as writing, acting, dramaturgy, scenic design, choreography, musical arrangements, etc. of the proposed production, with roles defined in the LAAP application.
1.04 “House” means the areas that the audience occupies on the site during a performance.
1.05 “Load-out” means the scheduled time-period in which materials and equipment are removed from the site.
1.06 “PARD” means City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department.
1.07 “Partner” means an individual or organization participating in the Latino Artist Access Program of the Austin Parks and Recreation Department.
1.08 “Premises” means all structures and parkland associated with the City of Austin PARD facility.
1.09 “Presenting” means the contractual relationship of the Partner and a third-party artist or arts organization unassociated with the Latino Artist Access Program in which the Partner engages the third party to present an art work for performance or presentation in their stead
1.10 “Principal(s)” are the main artists that operate and participate in the arts organization as listed on their website, their grant applications or their 501c3 paperwork.
1.11 “Room” means any space on the Premises used for rehearsals, classes, and performances.
1.12 “Technical Request Form” is a document provided by PARD that describes the Partner’s technical requirements above and beyond the equipment and materials that come with the designated space for their performance and schedule for a given production. (Attachment A).
1.13 “Trip Hazards” means an item on the floor or in the vicinity of the floor that may cause a person to trip. This might include pipes, wires, garbage, props, costumes, etc.
1.14 “Donor” and “Sponsor” means a person or organization who is solicited by the Partner to provide funds or in-kind donations for the art product or the Partner’s operations.
2.01 This agreement between (Insert Organization Name) and the City of Austin (City) will be effective (Insert Date). This agreement between (Insert Organization Name) and the City of Austin will expire after on (Insert Date). Extensions or renewals are not available without participating in a subsequent selection process for the Latino Artist Access Program.
Partner’s Roles and Responsibilities:
3.01 Partner will provide an art product, rehearsed or prepared to a professional quality consistent with the Partner’s artistic history and submitted proposal for the LAAP program. The art product shall be produced in a timely manner at the established place, date and time for public presentation, as confirmed by a PARD signed document (Attachment B—Room Reservation Request Form). Partners may change the genre of the artwork presented upon approval by the Site Manager on condition that scope and space requested remain the same as originally approved request.
3.02 Partner will pay all related costs for the preparation of art work and production support including labor, administrative services, materials, rights, permits and any associated taxes with the exception of facility operations and maintenance costs.
3.03 Partner may provide an arts education proposal for public consumption of a commensurate value with the cost of using the Premises. The arts education proposal must be approved by the Site Manager as proposed in Attachment C (Workshop/Class Proposal Form). Partner will be responsible for all materials, supplies, and labor needed for all produced events and educational programs and additional technical equipment that is not part of the Room’s inventory. Partners will adhere to the Local Standards of Care (including staff to youth ratios) as mandated by the City Council of the City of Austin (see Attachment G) when providing educational programs to children.
3.04 Failure by the Partner to meet production or education program deadlines or cancellations beyond the allowable thresholds named in Addendum C may result in termination of this agreement.
3.05 Partner will provide to PARD the title of the art production or working title, and a short paragraph describing the work and any adult-related subject matter no later than six weeks prior to the presentation.
3.06 Partner’s participation in the LAAP allows requests for space assignment, which when granted provide the use of specifically designated sites and rooms. This privilege of assigned space use is not transferable to other PARD properties or any other City of Austin property or facility.
3.07 Space assignment and usage is only allowed for the Partner and Partner’s principal artists as named on the LAAP application and artists’ roster submitted with the Room Reservation Request forms (Attachment B Room Reservation Request Form). The Partner is to be the point of contact for any/all items related to that group’s requests. Privileges related to the LAAP are not transferrable to other organizations or artists. Partners may not use their space assignment to present other artists or arts organizations. Production and cast lists shall be submitted to PARD staff no later than 1 week prior to the initial date of rehearsal or art production, whichever comes first.
3.08 Partners may use the LAAP for collaboration, as defined in 1.03, with other artists or arts organizations as long as the Partner’s principal artists and team members contribute to at least two aspects of the production. Collaborators must be accompanied by Partners if using City property under the Latino Artist Access Program
3.09 Partner must take into account the Premise’s audience and context when considering how adult content will be presented. Adult content should be presented with all due sensitivity to parents who may not wish to expose their children to this content. Adult content should be presented in the context of legitimate art practices as evidenced by similar practices in other professional theaters or galleries in the area of Austin, Texas. Partner will submit description of adult content 2 months prior to any art production for PARD approval. PARD reserves the right to cancel any performance without remuneration if PARD determines that the adult content does not meet the above requirements.
3.10 Partner agrees to provide signage at the entrance to the designated Room and marketing materials providing accurate warnings of adult content, use of strobes, or stage firearms for every instance that applies. Partner agrees to provide signage and language for marketing materials 2 months prior to any art production.
3.11 Partner agrees to abide by all Facility Rules and to follow Scheduling and Technical Guidelines (See Addendum A and Addendum B). Partner agrees to discuss any short-term amendments to the Scheduling and Technical Guidelines to meet the needs of the artists. Site Managers have the right to make changes to the Guidelines in writing on an ad hoc basis.
3.12 The PARD site will provide designated room(s) as agreed to in Attachment B Room Reservation Request Form, with listed equipment and furniture, Attachment D Room and Equipment Inventory for the purposes of preparing and presenting an art work for public benefit at a reduced rental rate at the agreed upon dates and times.
PARD’s Roles and Responsibilities
3.13 PARD agrees to maintain the facility space on a daily basis.
3.14 PARD will respond to scheduling requests according to Addendum C.
3.15 PARD will respond to requests for approval within 3 business days.
3.16 PARD will provide support staff to open and close reserved spaces and provide emergency support (see Addendum ___).
3.17 PARD will work to ensure that scheduled spaces are available. In the event of a conflict, Partner should inform PARD as soon as possible. Site Manager has the discretion to cure the conflict.
Please provide comments below. Identify the section by putting the section number (for example: "section 3.03").
Revisión de Contrato: Adjunto A - Artículos 1, 2, 3
over 5 years agoShare Revisión de Contrato: Adjunto A - Artículos 1, 2, 3 on Facebook Share Revisión de Contrato: Adjunto A - Artículos 1, 2, 3 on Twitter Share Revisión de Contrato: Adjunto A - Artículos 1, 2, 3 on Linkedin Email Revisión de Contrato: Adjunto A - Artículos 1, 2, 3 linkCERRADO: Esta discusión ha concluido.Para la parte final de la Revisión de LARP, el Departamento de Parques y Recreación está buscando comentarios de la comunidad sobre las partes principales del contrato que todos los participantes de LAAP y PARD firmarán. Adjunto A (parte 1) Artículo 1: Definiciones, Artículo 2: Plazo y Artículo 3: Aprobado. El propósito del contrato se copia a continuación. Los comentarios deben ser enviados antes del jueves 27 de junio de 2019.
Acuerdo para el Programa de Acceso para Artistas Latinos
Este acuerdo sobre el Programa de Acceso para Artistas Latinos (LAAP, por sus siglas en inglés) de PARD se realiza hoy (Insert Date) entre el Departamento de Parques y Recreación de la Ciudad de Austin y (Insert Organization Name).
El propósito del Programa de Acceso para Artistas Latinos es ofrecer a todos los artistas latinos de todas las disciplinas acceso a espacio, acceso a la comunidad y brindarle a la comunidad acceso a las artes latinas. Se selecciona cada LAAP interesado por un término de dos años. El espacio se puede usar para ensayos, espectáculos, talleres o para crear obras de arte a escala más pequeña en el Centro Cultural México-Americano Emma S. Barrientos.
Las siguientes definiciones son aplicables a este anexo y a todos los demás apéndices posteriores.
1.01 "Propósito Aprobado" significa la preparación y producción de una obra de arte para presentación pública en una localidad designada de PARD y el ofrecimiento de una oportunidad de educación en las artes para el beneficio del público.
1.02 "Directorio de Artistas" significa una lista de artistas asociados con los miembros del equipo del Socio.
1.03 "Colaboración" significa la participación directa del principal(es) del Socio en al menos dos aspectos de la producción de una obra de arte para presentación pública como un escrito, actuación, dramaturgia, diseño de escenografía, coreografía, arreglos musicales, etc. de la producción propuesta, con los roles definidos en la aplicación de LAAP.
1.04 "Casa" significa las áreas que el público ocupa en la localidad durante un espectáculo.
1.05 "Carga" significa el periodo de tiempo programado para remover los materiales y el equipo de la localidad.
1.06 "PARD" significa el Departamento de Parques y Recreación de la Ciudad de Austin.
1.07 “Partner” significa un individuo u organización que participa en el Programa de Acceso para Artistas Latinos del Departamento de Parques y Recreación de Austin.
1.08 "Predios" significa todas las estructuras y terrenos de parques asociados con la localidad de PARD de la Ciudad de Austin.
1.09 "Presentando" significa la relación contractual entre el Socio y un artista u organización de las artes tercera no asociada con el Programa de Acceso para Artistas Latinos en el que el Socio contrata al tercero para presentar una obra de arte o espectáculo en su lugar.
1.10 "Principal(es)" se refiere a los artistas principales que operan y participan en la organización de las artes según se indique en su sitio web, sus solicitudes de subvenciones o sus documentos de 501c3.
1.11 "Espacio" significa cualquier área de los Predios usada para ensayos, clases y espectáculos.
1.12 "Formulario de Solicitud Técnica" es un documento que provee PARD que describe los requisitos técnicos del Socio más allá del equipo y los materiales que vienen con el espacio designado para su espectáculo y programa para una producción en particular. (Anexo A).
1.13 "Peligro de Caídas" significa un artículo en el suelo o cerca del suelo que pueda causar que alguien se tropiece. Esto puede incluir tuberías, cables, basura, utilería, disfraces, etc.
1.14 "Donante" y "Patrocinador" significa una persona u organización a quien el Socio le haya hecho una solicitud de fondos o donativos en especie por el producto artístico o las operaciones del Socio.
2,01 Este acuerdo entre (Insert Organización Name) y la Ciudad de Austin (Ciudad) entrará en vigor el (Insert Date). Este acuerdo entre (Insert Organización Name) y la Ciudad de Austin (Ciudad) posteriormente expirará el (Insert Date). No hay extensiones ni renovaciones disponibles sin participar en un proceso de selección posterior para el Programa de Acceso para Artistas Latinos.
Derechos y responsabilidades del Socio:
3.01 El Socio proveerá un producto de arte, ensayado o preparado para que sea de calidad profesional consistente con la historia artística del Socio y la propuesta presentada al programa LAAP. El producto artístico será producido a tiempo y en el lugar, fecha y hora determinados para presentación pública, según se confirme con un documento firmado por PARD (Anexo B - Formulario de Solicitud de Reservación de Espacio). Los Socios pueden cambiar el género de la obra de arte a presentar mediante aprobación del Administrador de la Localidad con la condición de que el tamaño y espacio solicitado se mantenga igual que la solicitud originalmente aprobada.
3.02 El Socio pagará todos los costos relacionados con la preparación de la obra de arte y el apoyo de producción incluyendo mano de obra, servicios administrativos, materiales, derechos, permisos y cualquier impuesto asociado, con la excepción de las operaciones y costos de mantenimiento de la localidad.
3.03 El Socio puede proveer una propuesta de educación en las artes para el consumo del público con un valor comparable con el costo de usar los Predios. La propuesta de educación en las artes la debe aprobar el Administrador de la Localidad según lo propuesto en el Anexo C (Formulario propuesta de taller/clase). El Socio será responsable por todos los materiales, suministros y mano de obra necesarios para todos los eventos producidos y programas educativos, así como el equipo técnico adicional que no sea parte del inventario del Espacio. Los Socios cumplirán con los Estándares de Cuidado Locales (incluyendo las proporciones de personal a menores) según lo ordena el Concejo de la Ciudad de Austin (vea el Anexo G) cuando provea programas educativos para niños.
3.04 Si el Socio no cumple con las fechas límites o cancelaciones de producción o programa educativo después de los periodos permitidos según se indica en el Apéndice C, puede tener como consecuencia la terminación de este acuerdo.
3.05 El Socio le proveerá a PARD el título de la producción de arte o título de trabajo y un párrafo corto que describa la obra y cualquier contenido para adultos no más tarde de seis semanas antes de la presentación.
3.06 La participación del Socio en el LAAP permite solicitudes para asignación de espacio, que cuando son aprobadas proveerán el uso de localidades y espacios específicamente designados. Este privilegio de uso de espacio asignado no se puede transferir a otras propiedades de PARD ni a otra propiedad o localidad de la Ciudad de Austin.
3.07 La asignación y uso de espacio solo se permite para el Socio y los artistas principales del Socio nombrados en la solicitud de LAAP y el directorio de artistas presentado con los formularios de Solicitud de Reservación de Espacio (Anexo B, Formulario de Solicitud de Reservación de Espacio). El Socio será el punto de contacto para cualquiera/todos los artículos relacionados con la solicitud de ese grupo. Los privilegios relacionados con LAAP no son transferibles a ninguna organización o artista. Los Socios no pueden usar su espacio asignado para presentar a otros artistas u organizaciones artísticas. Es necesario enviar las listas de producción y elenco a PARD no más tarde de 1 semana antes de la fecha de ensayo inicial o la producción artística, lo que ocurra primero.
3.08 Los Socios pueden usar a LAAP para colaboración, según se define en la sección 1.03, con otros artistas u organizaciones artísticas siempre y cuando los artistas principales y miembros del equipo del Socio contribuyan a por lo menos dos aspectos de la producción. Los colaboradores deben estar acompañados por los Socios si usan propiedad de la Ciudad bajo el Programa de Acceso para Artistas Latinos.
3.09 El Socio debe tomar en cuenta al público de los Predios y el contexto al determinar cómo se presentará el contenido para adultos. El contenido para adultos se debe presentar tomando en consideración totalmente la sensibilidad de los padres que no desean exponer a sus niños a este contenido. El contenido para adultos se debe presentar en el contexto de las prácticas artísticas legítimas según se evidencie mediante las prácticas similares en otros teatros o galerías profesionales en el área de Austin, Texas. El Socio debe presentar una descripción del contenido para adultos 2 meses antes de cualquier producción artística para la aprobación de PARD. PARD se reserva el derecho de cancelar cualquier espectáculo sin remuneración si PARD determina que el contenido para adultos no cumple con los requisitos anteriormente expuestos.
3.10 El Socio acepta proveer señalización en la entrada del Espacio designado y materiales de mercadeo que provean advertencias correctas sobre el contenido para adultos, uso de luces estroboscópicas o armas de fuego ficticias que se usarán en el escenario para cada instancia en que aplique. El Socio acepta proveer señalización y el texto de los materiales de mercadeo 2 meses antes de cualquier producción artística.
3.11 El Socio acuerda cumplir con todas las Reglas de la Localidad y seguir las Guías de Programación y Técnicas (Vea el Apéndice A y el Apéndice B). El Socio acepta comunicar cualquier enmienda a corto plazo a las Guías de Programación y Técnicas para cumplir con las necesidades de los artistas. Los Administradores de las localidades tienen derecho a hacer cambios a las Guías por escrito según sea necesario.
3.12 La localidad de PARD proveerá el(los) espacio(s) designados según se acuerde en el Anexo B, Formulario de Solicitud de Reservación de Espacio, con el equipo y mobiliario detallado, el Anexo D, Espacio e Inventario del Equipo, para propósitos de preparar y presentar una obra de arte para el beneficio público a una tarifa de alquiler reducida para las fechas y horarios acordados.
Derechos y responsabilidades de PARD
3.13 PARD acepta darle mantenimiento diario a la localidad.
3.14 PARD responderá a solicitudes de programación conforme al Apéndice C.
3.15 PARD responderá a solicitudes de aprobación en 3 días laborables.
3.16 PARD proveerá personal de apoyo para abrir y cerrar los espacios reservados y proveerá apoyo para emergencias (vea el Apéndice ___).
3.17 PARD trabajará para asegurar que los espacios reservados estén disponibles. En caso de un conflicto, el Socio debe informarle a PARD tan pronto como sea posible. El Administrador de la Localidad tiene la discreción de rectificar el conflicto.
Por favor, proporcione comentarios a continuación. Identifique la sección poniendo el número de la sección (por ejemplo, "sección 3.03").
Contract Review: Addendum A - Articles 4, 5, 6
over 5 years agoShare Contract Review: Addendum A - Articles 4, 5, 6 on Facebook Share Contract Review: Addendum A - Articles 4, 5, 6 on Twitter Share Contract Review: Addendum A - Articles 4, 5, 6 on Linkedin Email Contract Review: Addendum A - Articles 4, 5, 6 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.For the final piece of the LARP Review, the Parks and Recreation Department is seeking community feedback on the main portions of the contract that all LAAP participants and PARD will sign. Addendum A (part 2) Article 4: Payments, Article 5: Program Protocols, and Article 6: Insurance of the contract is copied below. Please submit comments by Thursday, June 27, 2019.
You can all review a PDF of Addenda A, B, and C by clicking here.
Partner’s Roles and Responsibilities:
4.01 Partner is responsible for the payment pursuant to the rental contract of a Damage Deposit commensurate with PARD’s Deposit as published in the City’s fee schedule pursuant to the rental contract.
4.02 Once the Deposit is received, and facility use requests have been approved, Partner may present a public presentation of work for a ticket fee to be determined by the Partner. A deposit for production may roll over to apply to the next production if the deposit has not been debited for damages sustained during the Partner’s production or if the deposit is the same amount for the Room designated for subsequent performances.
4.03 Failure to meet the guidelines of facility use as designated in the rental contract and this contract addendum will result in forfeiture of deposit.
4.04 If a deposit is forfeited the Partner is responsible for paying the appropriate deposit again for an upcoming presentation.
4.05 Of that determined ticket fee Partner will pay the PARD site a rental fee of $1 per ticket fee collected.
4.06 Private presentations to donors or sponsors are considered fundraisers and Partner will be responsible for paying the full rental fee.
4.07 Concessions may be sold during productions. Partners are not required to pay a portion of concession proceeds to PARD. Proper permitting from the Health Department must be secured and established guidelines must be followed. Required permits shall be submitted to PARD prior to the commencement of concessions being served.
4.08 Alcohol may be sold as part of a concessions service to the public for performances and special events only. Partner will submit to PARD the Alcohol Request form (Attachment I Alcohol Request Form) if the Partner plans to sell or serve alcohol on PARD premises no later than 60 days prior to the date when the alcohol will be served. Partner will also have to submit all required documentation in an application to the Austin Center for Events (ACE).Alcohol may be sold only during performance dates. Proof of Liquor Liability insurance and proof of a sales tax certificate is required for approval of the Alcohol Request.
4.09 Partner must pay PARD invoices within 30 calendar days of receipt of invoice. If payment is not made within the 30 days after receipt of the invoice, this agreement will be terminated.
4.10 Cancellation of production dates that result in a cumulative loss of revenue to the City of $2400 or more (for the potential rental of the space for the reserved time at the current rate in Attachment L COA fee schedule) will result in termination of this agreement.
PARD’s Roles and Responsibilities:
4.10 PARD will invoice the Partner for the rental fee within 10 working days of the Partners load-out date.
4.11 Any additional damages to the facility or equipment will be addressed with the Partner by PARD staff in writing within 10 working days of the end of the load-out period.
4.12 PARD’s final invoice will include payment for any damages or losses incurred by Partner.
4.13 Free presentations provided to the public, with previous approval by PARD staff, will be considered a collaboration with PARD. Collaborations must be approved by the Site Manager and the Division Manager. Collaborations are exempt from the $1 per ticket sold fee but will be required to meet marketing guidelines for collaborations which require that the PARD site be named as a collaborator.
4.14 PARD will process alcohol request forms received no later than 60 days prior to the presentation and notify the Partner in writing no later than one (1) week prior to the presentation if the request was approved.
5.01 Any damages to the facility, equipment, etc. must be communicated by the Partner to the site manager or program coordinator within 24 hours of when the damage occurred.
5.02 Any contact with emergency service departments (Police, Fire Department, EMS, Animal Control, etc.) must be communicated by the Partner to the event staff, site manager or program coordinator within 24 hours.
5.03 Incidents or injuries must be documented by completing an Incident Report Form (Attachment K) within 24 hours of the incident. Incidents must be communicated to the site manager or program coordinator within 24 hours of the incident.
5.04 Use of the PARD facility is to be done in a clean and orderly fashion, without damage to adjacent spaces or art work.
5.05 Each Partner will be responsible for participating in an evaluation process on a biannual basis to evaluate the Partner’s performance in the program as well as provide feedback to PARD staff regarding the program. A final evaluation will be due at the completion of the partnership.
5.06 Partners are required to attend all meetings including orientation held by PARD staff to which they are invited to discuss program protocols. In the case where the Partner’s principal is not available, a separate one-on-one meeting may be set with PARD’s Site Coordinator to discuss the meeting content.
5.07 Partners are required to adopt professional conduct in all their communications with PARD staff, other artists, and the public. Professional conduct is considered calm, respectful speech and conduct at all times. Direct and polite communications of concerns or issues to the personnel involved is also considered professional conduct. Inappropriate behavior will result in immediate termination from the Latino Artist Access Program.
General Requirements
6.01 The Contractor shall at a minimum carry insurance in the types and amounts indicated Attachment H, for the duration of the Contract, including extension options and hold over periods, and during any warranty period.
6.02 The Contractor shall provide Certificates of Insurance with the coverages and endorsements required in Attachment H, to the City as verification of coverage prior to contract execution and within fourteen (14) calendar days after written request from the City. Failure to provide the required Certificate of Insurance may subject the Offer to disqualification from consideration for award. The Contractor must also forward a Certificate of Insurance to the City whenever a previously identified policy period has expired, or an extension option or hold over period is exercised, as verification of continuing coverage.
6.03 The Contractor shall not commence work until the required insurance is obtained and until such insurance has been reviewed by the City. Approval of insurance by the City shall not relieve or decrease the liability of the Contractor hereunder and shall not be construed to be a limitation of liability on the part of the Contractor.
6.04 The Contractor must submit certificates of insurance to the City for all subcontractors prior to the subcontractors commencing work on the project
6.05 The Contractor’s and all subcontractors’ insurance coverage shall be written by companies licensed to do business in the State of Texas at the time the policies are issued and shall be written by companies with A.M. Best ratings of B+VII or better. The City will accept workers’ compensation coverage written by the Texas Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fund.
6.06 The “other” insurance clause shall not apply to the City where the City is an additional insured shown on any policy. It is intended that policies required in the Contract, covering both the City and the Contractor, shall be considered primary coverage as applicable.
6.07 If insurance policies are not written for amounts specified in attached requirements the Contractor shall carry Umbrella or Excess Liability Insurance for any differences in amounts specified. If Excess Liability Insurance is provided, it shall follow the form of the primary coverage.
6.08 The City shall be entitled, upon request, at an agreed upon location, and without expense, to review certified copies of policies and endorsements thereto and may make any reasonable requests for deletion or revision or modification of particular policy terms, conditions, limitations, or exclusions except where policy provisions are established by law or regulations binding upon either of the parties hereto or the underwriter on any such policies.
6.09 The City reserves the right to review the insurance requirements set forth during the effective period of the Contract and to make reasonable adjustments to insurance coverage, limits, and exclusions when deemed necessary and prudent by the City based upon changes in statutory law, court decisions, the claims history of the industry or financial condition of the insurance company as well as the Contractor.
6.10 The Contractor shall not cause any insurance to be canceled nor permit any insurance to lapse during the term of the Contract or as required in the Contract.
6.11 The Contractor shall be responsible for premiums, deductibles and self-insured retentions, if any, stated in policies. All deductibles or self-insured retentions shall be disclosed on the Certificate of Insurance.
6.12 The Contractor shall endeavor to provide the City thirty (30) calendar days’ written notice of erosion of the aggregate limits below occurrence limits for all applicable coverages indicated within the Contract.
6.13 The insurance coverages specified in attached requirements are required minimums and are not intended to limit the responsibility or liability of the Contractor.
Please provide comments below by noting the particular section being referred to (for example: "section 4.02").
Revisión de Contrato: Adjunto A - Artículos 4, 5, 6
over 5 years agoShare Revisión de Contrato: Adjunto A - Artículos 4, 5, 6 on Facebook Share Revisión de Contrato: Adjunto A - Artículos 4, 5, 6 on Twitter Share Revisión de Contrato: Adjunto A - Artículos 4, 5, 6 on Linkedin Email Revisión de Contrato: Adjunto A - Artículos 4, 5, 6 linkCERRADO: Esta discusión ha concluido.Para la parte final de la Revisión de LARP, el Departamento de Parques y Recreación está buscando comentarios de la comunidad sobre las partes principales del contrato que todos los participantes de LAAP y PARD firmarán. Adjunto A (parte 2) Artículo 4: Pagos, Artículo 5: Protocoles del Programa 3: Pagos. El propósito del contrato se copia a continuación. Los comentarios deben ser enviados antes del jueves 27 de junio de 2019.
Derechos y responsabilidades del Socio:
4.01 El Socio es responsable del pago conforme al contrato de alquiler de un Depósito para Daños proporcional al Depósito de PARD según se publique en la tabla de cuotas de la Ciudad conforme al contrato de alquiler.
4.02 Una vez se reciba el depósito y se hayan aprobado las solicitudes de uso de las localidades, el Socio puede hacer una presentación pública de la obra por una cuota de boleto que determinará el Socio. Un depósito para una producción puede transferirse a la próxima producción si no se ha utilizado el depósito para daños sostenidos durante la producción del Socio o si el depósito es por la misma cantidad del Espacio designado para espectáculos posteriores.
4.03 El no cumplir con las guías de uso de la localidad según se detalla en el contrato de alquiler y este apéndice del contrato tendrá como consecuencia la renuncia al depósito.
4.04 Si se renuncia a un depósito el Socio es responsable por pagar el depósito correspondiente nuevamente para una próxima presentación.
4.05 De esa cuota determinada de los boletos, el Socio le pagará a la localidad de PARD una cuota de alquiler de $1 por cada boleto vendido.
4.06 Las presentaciones privadas a los donantes o patrocinadores se consideran eventos de recaudación de fondos y el Socio será responsable de pagar la cuota de alquiler en su totalidad.
4.07 Se podrán vender refrigerios durante las producciones. Los Socios no tienen que pagar a PARD una porción de los ingresos por la venta de refrigerios. Es necesario obtener los debidos permisos del Departamento de Salud y seguir las guías establecidas. Es necesario enviar los permisos requeridos a PARD antes de que comience el servicio de refrigerios.
4.08 Se pueden vender bebidas alcohólicas como parte del servicio de venta de refrigerios al público para espectáculos y eventos especiales solamente. El Socio le enviará a PARD el formulario de Solicitud de Bebidas Alcohólicas (Anexo I) si el Socio tiene planificado vender o servir bebidas alcohólicas en los predios de PARD no más tarde de 60 días antes de la fecha en que se servirán las bebidas alcohólicas. El Socio también tendrá que enviar toda la documentación requerida en la solicitud al Centro para Eventos de Austin (ACE, por sus siglas en inglés).Solo se pueden vender bebidas alcohólicas durante las fechas de los espectáculos. Se requiere prueba del seguro de Responsabilidad para Servir Licor y de un certificado de impuesto sobre la venta para poder aprobar la Solicitud para Servir Bebidas Alcohólicas.
4.09 El Socio debe pagar las facturas de PARD dentro de 30 días calendario a partir del recibo de la factura. Si no se hace el pago en los 30 días después del recibo de la factura, se podrá terminar este acuerdo.
4.10 La cancelación de las fechas de producción que tenga como consecuencia una pérdida acumulada de ingresos para la Ciudad de $2400 o más (por el posible alquiler del espacio para la hora reservada a la tarifa actual indicada en el Anexo L, tabla de cuotas de COA) resultará en la terminación de este acuerdo.
Derechos y responsabilidades de PARD:
4.10 PARD le facturará al Socio por la cuota de alquiler dentro de 10 días laborables de la fecha de carga del Socio.
4.11 El personal de PARD se comunicará con el Socio por escrito dentro de 10 días laborales al final del periodo de carga para atender cualquier daño adicional a la localidad o equipo.
4.12 La factura final de PARD incluirá el pago por cualquier daño o pérdida que incurra el Socio.
4.13 Los espectáculos gratis para el público, con aprobación previa del personal de PARD, se considerarán una colaboración con PARD. Las colaboraciones las debe aprobar el Administrador de la Localidad y el Gerente de la División. Las colaboraciones están exentas de la cuota de $1 por boleto vendido pero tendrán que cumplir con las guías de mercadeo para colaboraciones que requieren que la localidad de PARD sea nombrado como colaborador.
4.14 PARD procesará los formularios de solicitud para servir bebidas alcohólicas no más tarde de 60 días antes del espectáculo y le notificará al Socio por escrito no más tarde de una (1) semana antes del espectáculo si se ha aprobado la solicitud.
5.01 El Socio deberá comunicar cualquier daño a la localidad, equipo, etc. al administrador de la localidad o coordinador del programa en 24 horas de ocurrido el daño.
5.02 El Socio deberá comunicar cualquier contacto con los departamentos de servicios de emergencia (policía, bomberos, emergencias médicas, control de animales, etc.) al personal del evento, administrador del sitio o coordinador del programa dentro de 24 horas.
5.03 Es necesario documentar los incidentes o lesiones llenando un Formulario de Informe de Incidente (Anexo K) en 24 horas del incidente. Se deberán comunicar los incidentes al administrador de la localidad o coordinador del programa en 24 horas del incidente.
5.04 El uso de la localidad de PARD se hará de manera limpia y ordenada, sin daños a espacios ni obras de arte adyacentes.
5.05 Cada Socio será responsable de participar en un proceso de evaluación dos veces al año para evaluar el desempeño del Socio en el programa y para extenderle al personal de PARD comentarios sobre el programa. Al terminar la sociedad se deberá hacer una evaluación final.
5.06 Se requiere que los Socios asistan a todas las reuniones incluyendo la orientación que hace el personal de PARD a las que se les invite para hablar sobre los protocolos del programa. En caso de que no esté disponible el principal del Socio, se podrá fijar una reunión individual con el Coordinador de la Localidad de PARD para hablar sobre el contenido de la reunión.
5.07 Se requiere que los Socios adopten una conducta profesional en todas sus comunicaciones con el personal de PARD, otros artistas y el público. Una conducta profesional se considera comunicaciones y conducta calmada y respetuosa en todo momento. También se considera conducta profesional las comunicaciones directas y amables de las inquietudes o problemas al personal pertinente. El comportamiento impropio resultará en la terminación inmediata de la participación en el Programa de Acceso para Artistas Latinos.
Requisitos generales
6.01 El Contratista deberá, como mínimo, tener un seguro del tipo y por las cantidades indicadas en el Anexo H por la duración del Contrato, incluyendo opciones de extensión y periodos de retención y durante cualquier periodo de garantía.
6.02 El Contratista proveerá Certificados de Seguro con las coberturas y endosos requeridos en el Anexo H a la Ciudad como verificación de la cobertura antes de firmar el contrato y dentro de catorce (14) días calendario después de una solicitud escrita de la Ciudad. El no proveer el Certificado de Seguro requerido puede descalificar la Oferta de ser considerada para aprobación. El Contratista también debe enviar un Certificado de Seguro a la Ciudad siempre que haya expirado un periodo de póliza identificado u opción de extensión o cuando se ejercite un periodo de retención, como verificación de la continuación del seguro.
6.03 El Contratista no comenzará el trabajo hasta que se obtenga el seguro requerido y hasta que la Ciudad haya revisado dicho seguro. La aprobación del seguro por la Ciudad no eliminará ni disminuirá la responsabilidad del Contratista bajo este acuerdo ni se interpretará como una limitación a la responsabilidad por parte del Contratista.
6.04 El Contratista debe presentar certificados de seguro a la Ciudad para todos los subcontratistas antes de que los subcontratistas comiencen a trabajar en el proyecto.
6.05 La cobertura de seguro del Contratista y los subcontratistas deberá ser emitida por compañías con licencia para hacer negocios en el Estado de Texas al momento en que se emitan las pólizas y las deberán emitir compañías con una clasificación de "A.M. Best" de B+VII o mejor. La Ciudad aceptará la cobertura de compensación a trabajadores emitida por el Fondo de Seguros de Compensación a los Trabajadores de Texas.
6.06 La cláusula de "otro" seguro no aplicará a la Ciudad donde la Ciudad sea un asegurado adicional mostrado en cualquier póliza. Es la intención que las pólizas requeridas en el Contrato, que cubran tanto a la Ciudad como al Contratista, se considerará cobertura primaria según aplique.
6.07 Si las pólizas de seguro no se emiten por las cantidades especificadas en los requisitos adjuntos, el Contratista deberá tener un Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil Amplia o de Exceso por las diferencias en las cantidades especificadas. Si se provee Seguro de Exceso de Responsabilidad Civil, deberá seguir el formato de la cobertura principal.
6.08 La Ciudad tendrá derecho, a solicitud, en un lugar acordado, y sin costo, de revisar las copias certificadas de las pólizas y sus endosos y podrá hacer solicitudes razonables para borrar o revisar o modificar términos, condiciones, limitaciones o exclusiones particulares de la póliza excepto donde las disposiciones de la póliza sean establecidas por la ley o regulaciones obligatorias para cualquiera de las partes del presente acuerdo o la aseguradora en cualquier de dichas pólizas.
6.09 La Ciudad se reserva el derecho de revisar los requisitos de seguro establecidos durante el periodo de efectividad del Contrato y hacer ajustes razonables a la cobertura, límites y exclusiones de seguro cuando la Ciudad determine que son necesarios y prudentes según cambios a la ley en estatutos, decisiones judiciales, la historia de reclamaciones de la industria y condiciones financieras de la compañía de seguros, así como el Contratista.
6.10 El Contratista no causará que se cancele ningún seguro ni permiso ni permitirá que se cancele por falta de pago de prima durante el término del Contrato o según se requiera en el Contrato.
6.11 El Contratista será responsable por el pago de las primas, deducibles y retenciones por autoseguro, si alguno, en las pólizas indicadas. Todos los deducibles o las retenciones por autoseguro serán divulgadas en el Certificado de Seguro.
6.12 El Contratista se esforzará para proveerle a la Ciudad en treinta (30) días calendario aviso escrito de la erosión de límites acumulados por debajo de los límites por incidente para todas las coberturas aplicables indicadas en el Contrato.
6.13 Las coberturas de seguro especificadas en los requisitos adjuntos son mínimos requeridos y el propósito no es limitar la responsabilidad civil del Contratista.
Por favor, proporcione comentarios a continuación. Identifique la sección poniendo el número de la sección (por ejemplo, "sección 3.03").
Contract Review: Addendum A - Articles 7 and 8
over 5 years agoShare Contract Review: Addendum A - Articles 7 and 8 on Facebook Share Contract Review: Addendum A - Articles 7 and 8 on Twitter Share Contract Review: Addendum A - Articles 7 and 8 on Linkedin Email Contract Review: Addendum A - Articles 7 and 8 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.For the final piece of the LARP Review, the Parks and Recreation Department is seeking community feedback on the main portions of the contract that all LAAP participants and PARD will sign. Addendum A (part 3) Article 7: Termination, Article 8: Indemnification of the contract is copied below. Comments must be submitted by Thursday, June 27, 2019.
You can all review a PDF of Addenda A, B, and C by clicking here.
ARTICLE 7: Termination
7.01 Notice of any claims of material breach, including the non-compliance of a Partner to meet and fulfill the deliverables and requirements as have been outlined in this Agreement and the intent to terminate this Agreement because of that breach shall be given in writing to the Partner, identifying the breach claimed with particularity, and stating the time permitted to cure, such time to be commercially and legally reasonable. The notice of a claim of breach is sufficient to constitute termination of this Agreement in the event that the breach is not cured within the time permitted. Without waiving any legal rights, PARD and the Partner agree to voluntary non-binding mediation of any disputes.
7.02 Either party may terminate this Agreement for convenience by providing at least 60 calendar days’ written notice to the other party.
7.03 The City may suspend this Agreement immediately in the event of a health or safety issue on the Premises and such suspension shall be in effect until the health and safety issue is resolved to the satisfaction of the City. City shall provide the Partner with written notice of any suspension. The Partner must comply with any suspension notice.
7.04 Partner shall conduct all activities allowed under this agreement in or about the PARD Facility so as to not endanger any person lawfully therein. Partner shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officials, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all costs, expenses, damages, claims or liabilities, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees, from or in connection with, any negligent act or omission of the Partner, its officers, employees or agents in the performance of this agreement.
7.05 No recourse shall be had against any elected official officer, employee or agent of the City for any claim based upon this Agreement.
7.06 The City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon notice to the Partner due to the Partner’s action or inaction that may result in compromising public health, safety, and welfare and for which there is not cure. Immediate termination without cure will be enacted for illegal use of drugs and alcohol on the premises, malicious acts damaging the facility, equipment or staff, inappropriate behavior with children or adults, unpaid invoices, and removal of equipment, furniture or other materials belonging to the City of Austin from the premises.
7.07 The Partner has the right to appeal a termination through a written request to the Parks and Recreation Department Director. The Director will assemble a non-biased jury to hear the arguments of both sides of the dispute. The Director will make the final determination which may include voluntary non-binding mediation.
Partner shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless City, its officers, appointed or elected officials, employees, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (Indemnified Parties), against all costs, expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees, expenses, and court costs), liabilities, damages, claims, suits, actions, and causes of actions (Claims), to the extent arising, directly or indirectly, out of (a) a breach of this Agreement or violation of law by Partner, its officers, agents, employees, Partners, sub[Partner]s, successors or assigns, (Partner Parties), (b) a false representation or warranty made by the Partner Parties in this Agreement or in Partner’s Proposal, (c) the negligence, willful misconduct, or breach of a standard of strict liability by the Partner Parties in connection with this Agreement. Claims to be indemnified under this Article include Claims for bodily injury or death, occupational illness or disease, loss of services wages or income, damage destruction or loss of use of property, and workers’ compensation claims. Partner’s obligations under this Article are not excused in the event a Claim is caused in part by the alleged negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnified Parties.
City shall give Partner written notice of a Claim asserted against an Indemnified Party. Partner shall assume on behalf of the Indemnified Parties and conduct with due diligence and in good faith the defense of all Claims against the Indemnified Parties. The Indemnified Parties shall have the right (but not the obligation) to participate in the defense of any claim or litigation with attorneys of their own selection without relieving Partner of any obligations in this agreement. In no event may Partner admit liability on the part of an Indemnified Party without the written consent of City Attorney.
Maintenance of the insurance required under this Agreement shall not limit Partner’s obligations under the Rental Contract Insurance Requirements. Partner shall require all sub-partners to indemnify City as provided in this Article.
EXECUTED by the authorized representatives of the Parties on the dates indicated below. [end of Addendum A]
Please provide comments on Addendum A Articles 7 and 8 below by referring to the specific section (for example: "section 7.02").
Revisión de Contrato: Adjunto A - Artículos 7, 8
over 5 years agoShare Revisión de Contrato: Adjunto A - Artículos 7, 8 on Facebook Share Revisión de Contrato: Adjunto A - Artículos 7, 8 on Twitter Share Revisión de Contrato: Adjunto A - Artículos 7, 8 on Linkedin Email Revisión de Contrato: Adjunto A - Artículos 7, 8 linkCERRADO: Esta discusión ha concluido.Para la parte final de la Revisión de LARP, el Departamento de Parques y Recreación está buscando comentarios de la comunidad sobre las partes principales del contrato que todos los participantes de LAAP y PARD firmarán. Adjunto A (parte 3) Artículo 7: Terminacion, Artículo 8: Indemnizacion. El propósito del contrato se copia a continuación. Los comentarios deben ser enviados antes del jueves 27 de junio de 2019.
7.01 Se le dará por escrito al Socio un aviso de cualquier reclamo de incumplimiento sustancial, incluyendo el que el Socio no ha cumplido con las entregas y requisitos según se ha detallado en este Acuerdo y de la intención de terminar este Acuerdo debido a tal incumplimiento y se deberá identificar con detalles el incumplimiento reclamado indicando el tiempo permitido para rectificarlo, que deberá ser comercial y legalmente razonable. El aviso de un reclamo por incumplimiento es suficiente para terminar este Acuerdo en caso de que el incumplimiento no sea rectificado en el tiempo permitido. Sin renunciar a ningún derecho legal, PARD y el Socio acuerdan a ir a una medicación voluntaria para cualquier disputa cuyo resultado no será obligatorio.
7.02 Cualquiera de las partes puede terminar este Acuerdo por conveniencia mediante aviso por escrito a la otra parte al menos 60 días calendario antes de la fecha de terminación.
7.03 La Ciudad puede suspender este Acuerdo inmediatamente en caso de un problema de salud o seguridad en los Predios y dicha suspensión estará en vigor hasta que se resuelva el problema de salud y seguridad de manera satisfactoria para la Ciudad. La Ciudad le proveerá al Socio un aviso escrito de cualquier suspensión. El Socio debe cumplir con cualquier aviso de suspensión.
7.04 El Socio llevará a cabo todas las actividades permitidas bajo este acuerdo en o por la Localidad de PARD para no poner en riesgo a ninguna persona que esté lícitamente allí. El Socio indemnizará y exonerará inmediatamente a la Ciudad, sus funcionarios, administradores, empleados y agentes de y contra cualquier y todo costo, gasto, daños, reclamo o responsabilidad civil, incluyendo sin limitación honorarios razonables de abogados, de o en relación con cualquier acto de negligencia u omisión del Socio, sus funcionarios, empleados o agentes en el desempeño de este acuerdo.
7.05 No se entablará ningún recurso contra ningún funcionario electo, administrador, empleado o agente de la Ciudad por cualquier reclamación basada en este Acuerdo.
7.06 La Ciudad tendrá derecho a terminar este Acuerdo mediante aviso al Socio debido a la acción o inacción del Socio que pudiera poner en riesgo la salud, seguridad y bienestar público y para la cual no haya rectificación. La terminación inmediata sin rectificación se efectuará por el uso ilícito de drogas y alcohol en los predios, por actos maliciosos que causen daños en la localidad, equipo o personal, conducta impropia con niños o adultos, facturas pendientes de pago y por remover de los predios equipo, mobiliario u otros materiales propiedad de la Ciudad de Austin.
7.07 El Socio tiene derecho a apelar una terminación a través de una solicitud por escrito al Departamento de Parques y Recreación. El Director convocará a un jurado imparcial para escuchar argumentos de ambos lados de la disputa. El Director hará la determinación final que pudiera incluir una mediación voluntaria cuyo resultado no sea obligatorio.
El Socio indemnizará y exonerará a la Ciudad, sus directores, funcionarios electos, empleados, agentes, representantes, sucesores y cesionarios (Partes Indemnizadas), contra todo costo, gasto (incluyendo honorarios razonables de abogados, gastos y costos de corte), responsabilidad civil, daños, reclamaciones, demandas, acciones y causas de acción (Reclamos) en la medida en que surjan directa o indirectamente, de un (a) incumplimiento de este Acuerdo o violación de ley por el Socio, sus directores, agentes, empleados, Socios, Subsocios, sucesores o cesionarios (Partes del Socio), (b) una afirmación o garantía falsa hecha por las Partes del Socio en este Acuerdo o en la Propuesta del Socio, (c) la negligencia, mala conducta intencional o incumplimiento de un estándar de responsabilidad no culposa por las Partes del Socio en relación con este Acuerdo. Los reclamos que se indemnizarán bajo este Artículo incluyen Reclamos por lesiones personales o muerte, enfermedad ocupacional, pérdida de ingresos por servicios, daño o destrucción o pérdida de uso de propiedad y reclamos de compensación al trabajador. Las obligaciones del Socio bajo este Artículo no quedan excusadas en caso de que un Reclamo sea causado en parte por la negligencia o mala conducta intencional alegada de las Partes Indemnizadas.
La Ciudad le dará al Socio aviso por escrito de un Relamo presentado contra una Parte Indemnizada. El Socio asumirá a nombre de las Partes Indemnizadas y llevará a cabo con la debida diligencia y de buena fe la defensa de todos los Reclamos contra las Partes Indemnizadas. Las Partes Indemnizadas tendrán el derecho (pero no la obligación) de participar en la defensa de cualquier reclamo o litigio con abogados de su propia selección sin aliviar al Socio de cualquier obligación en este acuerdo. Bajo ninguna circunstancia podrá el Socio admitir responsabilidad por parte de una Parte Indemnizada sin el consentimiento del Abogado de la Ciudad.
El mantener el seguro requerido bajo este Acuerdo no limitará las obligaciones del Socio bajo los Requisitos de Seguro del Contrato de Alquiler. El Socio le requerirá a todos los sub-socios que indemnicen a la Ciudad como se dispone en este Artículo.
FIRMADO por los representantes autorizados de las Partes en las fechas indicadas a continuación.
SOCIO: _________________________________________
Nombre (en letra de imprenta)
Una municipalidad autogobernada: ______________________________________
Director, Departamento de Parques y Recreación
Por favor, proporcione comentarios a continuación. Identifique la sección poniendo el número de la sección (por ejemplo, "sección 3.03").
Contract Review: Addendum B - Facility Rules
over 5 years agoShare Contract Review: Addendum B - Facility Rules on Facebook Share Contract Review: Addendum B - Facility Rules on Twitter Share Contract Review: Addendum B - Facility Rules on Linkedin Email Contract Review: Addendum B - Facility Rules linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.For the final piece of the LARP Review, the Parks and Recreation Department is seeking community feedback on the main portions of the contract that all LAAP participants and PARD will sign. Addendum B Facility Rules of the contract is copied below. Comments must be submitted by Thursday, June 27, 2019.
You can all review a PDF of Addenda A, B, and C by clicking here.
Addendum B to Facility/PARK EVENT AGREEMENT
Latino Artist Access Program Agreement
Facility Rules
1.01 Partners may utilize spaces assigned by City staff within the Premises for the “Approved Purpose,” the preparation or presentation of art work, as specified in Attachment B Room Reservation Request Form.
1.02 As per the rental agreement, Partners must abide by all City of Austin ordinances and policies while using the City premises including (Attachment E):
a. Amplified music only in accordance with the City’s rules and regulations regarding volume levels.
b. No smoking on City property. Simulated smoking using specialty stage cigarettes is not considered smoking.
c. No alcoholic beverages on the premises, unless permission is requested and granted by PARD in writing and in accordance with Addendum A §4.08 of this agreement.
d. Written permission required from PARD to operate a concession on the premises.
e. Fireworks are not permitted.
f. A Grass Permit from PARD’s Special Events Office must be obtained when parkland will be used for:
i. Loading and unloading equipment;
ii. Additional exhibition space; or
iii. A concession.
g. Loading and unloading will be permitted in designated areas only.
1.03 Upon entering the Premises at any time, a Partner must first sign-in at the main office or reception desk.
1.04 If a room reservation has been made, the Partner shall pick up an assigned radio (if available) for communication with PARD staff at the main office. The Partner must return the assigned radio to the office before leaving the Premises.
1.05 After use of a room on the Premises, a Partner must leave the room in the same condition that it was found before the Partner’s use. If Partner ends the use of the room prior to the scheduled end time, Partner will notify staff of their departure at that time.
1.06 A Partner must remove all the Partner’s production equipment, cables, furniture, carpentry, props, costumes, paint and educational supplies, etc., from the Premises no later than 10:00 p.m. on the scheduled load-out day.
1.07 ADA Access to the stage or audience area shall not be obstructed or compromised in any way.
1.08 Alcohol and drugs are strictly prohibited from the property, except according to Addendum A §4.08 of this agreement. Theatrical props to simulate alcohol or drugs are not considered alcohol and drugs.Failure to observe will result in immediate removal from the Latino Artist Access Program.
1.09 Rooms cannot be used for any purpose other than those provided on the Room Reservation Form.
1.10 Equipment or materials belonging to PARD must never be removed from the Premises. Failure to observe will result in immediate removal from the Latino Artist Access Program.
1.11 Malicious acts, damaging the facility, the equipment, or any member of staff will result in immediate removal from the Latino Artist Access Program.
1.12 If there is an issue related to safety and security, both parties agree to make decisions that ensure the safety and security of all participants. In the event the parties cannot reach agreement, the final decision is at the sole discretion of PARD. If the Partner recognizes an issue that impacts the safety or security of the facility or persons within the facility, the partner must notify the site manager immediately.
1.13 The LAAP agreement does not entitle Partners to any permanent or ongoing office space or storage space unless authorized by the Site Manager. Partners must make arrangements off-site for any such needs. Partners may establish an administrative desk within a designated Room only for the duration of the PARD approved activity in that Room.
1.14 Partner must provide a volunteer parking attendant for their events.
1.15 All photos obtained by the Partner from ESB-MACC staff must be credited as such. All images used for promotion through ESB-MACC must have the appropriate permissions to be used (e.g., appropriate copyright release and use agreement).
1.16 LAAP artists must adhere to the City of Austin computer usage policy.
PARD Roles and Responsibilities:
1.17 PARD will provide a clean space with appropriate amenities for an audience to Partner according to the approved schedule (Attachment B Room Reservation Request Form) with the equipment and furniture listed in Attachment D for the purpose of providing public presentations, events or exhibits of the Partner’s art work. If Partner finds that their assigned space is not adequately cleaned, Partner will be bring this to the attention of the Site Manager or their designee as soon as possible to be remedied.
1.18 PARD will provide space to Partner for rehearsals, production meetings, auditions, readings, and preparations for Partner art work according to the approved schedule (Attachment B Room Reservation Request Form).
1.19 PARD staff will inspect and document the condition of each room before it is used by a Partner and again no later than 10:00 a.m. the next day after it has been used by a Partner. PARD will notify Partner of any issues within two (2) business days of the date the room was used by the Partner.
1.20 PARD staff will unlock rooms reserved for a Partner and when Partner’s scheduled time expires, PARD staff will lock the room at the moment of the expiration of the room reservation. On-site PARD staff will have no discretion to extend a Partner’s scheduled time or expiration thereof. Reserved time shall include Partner’s cleanup time. Extension requests shall follow the procedure in Addendum C Facility Rules §1.09.
1.21 PARD staff may not provide a Partner with master keys to the Premises. Keys for doors internal to the designated Room(s) may be available upon the discretion of the Site Manager. Should the Partner lose the keys to these internal rooms, they will be responsible for the cost of re-keying the locks.
1.22 PARD will not provide storage for materials prior to or after the scheduled presentation except where provided in this Agreement. Storage of materials during the course of the presentation is at the discretion of PARD in writing.
1.20 PARD is not responsible for any Partner property left on the Premises. Items left on the property are immediately processed according to PARD’s Abandoned Materials Policy and Lost and Found Procedures (Attachment F).
1.21 Lost perishables or soiled items left behind by the Partner or their audience members will be disposed of immediately. Seven (7) business days after the date when the scheduled event has concluded, an item of value (i.e. jewelry, electronics) left behind by the Partner or their audience members will be moved to the PARD Main Office at 200 S. Lamar where it can be claimed within 30 calendar days from the date the item was moved to the PARD Main Office. After 30 calendar days, any production equipment, cables, furniture, carpentry, props, costumes, paint and educational supplies left by the Partner on the Premises become property of the City of Austin and will be disposed of in accordance with the City’s Abandoned Materials Policy and PARD’s Lost and Found Procedures (Attachment F). After a second instance of items being left in Lost and Found for 30 days, Partners may be cited for abuse of the Lost and Found Procedures and may result in the forfeiture of this agreement.
1.22 PARD will guarantee only the equipment and furniture listed in the Room Inventory Form (Attachment D Room and Equipment Inventory). Additional equipment and furniture may be made available on the receipt of a request six weeks in advance and only if requested equipment and furniture is in the Site’s inventory. It is the responsibility of the Partner to acquire any item not held within the room inventory or not available for reservation. Last-minute equipment requests may be accommodated based on equipment availability and staffing.
1.23 PARD will provide two PARD staff member on site toprovide the Partner with facility support and assist the public with information pertaining to the renter’s events and resources. Staff will also respond to medical, facility or technical equipment emergencies during performances or events.
Partner’s Roles and Responsibilities:
1.24 Partner shall observe as delineated in the Room Reservation Form agreed upon move-in, presentation, and move-out dates.
1.25 Partner will be responsible for removing all refuse found in the House after each performance. Backstage and House areas must be free of Trip Hazards, and all fire exits must be clear. Partner will be charged for staff time incurred for cleanup with a minimum of one hour at the current rate on the City’s fee schedule. [end of Addendum B]
Please provide your comments below. If referring to a specific section, please identify the section in the comment (for example: "section 1.03").
Contract Review: Addendum C - Procedures: Articles 1 and 2
over 5 years agoShare Contract Review: Addendum C - Procedures: Articles 1 and 2 on Facebook Share Contract Review: Addendum C - Procedures: Articles 1 and 2 on Twitter Share Contract Review: Addendum C - Procedures: Articles 1 and 2 on Linkedin Email Contract Review: Addendum C - Procedures: Articles 1 and 2 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.For the final piece of the LARP Review, the Parks and Recreation Department is seeking community feedback on the main portions of the contract that all LAAP participants and PARD will sign. Addendum C (part 1) Article 1: Scheduling Procedures, Article 2: Workshops & Classroom Procedures of the contract is copied below. Comments must be submitted by Thursday, June 27, 2019.You can all review a PDF of Addenda A, B, and C by clicking here.
PARD Roles and Responsibilities:
1.01 PARD staff will provide to the Partner the calendar of availability for the upcoming LAAP term once Partner is selected to be a part of the Latino Artist Access Program. PARD will provide access to the calendar in order of the Partner ranking based on the application scores. PARD staff will provide Partners with the Room Reservation Request Forms (Attachment B) within 60 days of Partner selection. Forms are due to PARD within 30 days after they are provided. Partners are to submit a completed Room Reservation Request Form for performances, load-in and load-out dates, rehearsals, tech rehearsals (in the Room requested for performances) and classes by the deadline provided by PARD staff. Room Reservation Forms will be time stamped when received by PARD staff, reviewed and approved based on time received and completeness of the Room Reservation form information.
1.02 PARD staff will review the Room Reservation Forms that were completed and submitted by the stated deadline to evaluate any conflicting requests. PARD staff will work to resolve any conflicts at this time and may call Partners together in an attempt to negotiate alternatives for the conflicts. If Partners, with conflicting requests, cannot come to a resolution, PARD staff will honor the request of the Partner whose form has the earliest submittal time stamp. PARD staff reserves the right to make the final determination of the site’s programming schedule.
1.03 PARD staff will send Partners written confirmation of their reservations no later than the first business day of March of any given year by 5pm. Once the dates are set, Partners may not change their performance dates except in the case a verifiable emergency Act of God or with the approval of the Site Manager.
1.04 It is recommended that cancellations or changes to a series of rehearsal dates be made no later than three months in advance. PARD staff will attempt to accommodate a newly requested series of dates pending availability of space and staffing. If the requested Room is not available for the new date, PARD staff will attempt to provide a suitable alternative on the Premises.
1.05 Cancellation of production dates that result in a cumulative loss of City revenue of $2400 or more (for the potential rental of the space for the reserved time at the current rate in the COA fee schedule Attachment ) will result in termination of this agreement.
1.06 While “double-booking” is a rare occurrence, the PARD Site may be petitioned for the loss of Partner revenue incurred as a result of an error in booking.
Partner’s Roles and Responsibilities
1.07 A Partner is allowed no more than six room reservation cancellations for rehearsals, classes, meetings or other preparations per the City’s fiscal year. A Partner must notify PARD staff by email of a room reservation cancellation no later than 48 hours before the time the room was scheduled for use and before 3pm on Fridays prior to an event schedule for the following Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
1.08 A Partner cancelling classes for the public must provide the class members and patrons with the cancellation notification no later than 24 hours before the scheduled class or by 3pm on the Friday prior to an event scheduled for the following Saturday, Sunday or Monday (Excludes the event of death, illness or Act of God relating to the Principal Partner).
1.09 For rehearsal dates, it is recommended that a Partner request ad hoc changes to their schedule in writing to reserve one usage of a room no later than 48 hours in advance and by 3pm on Fridays before the date of the first projected room use. This will provide the best chance of success that staff can fulfill the request. If a Partner wishes to request a “late booking”, it will be received no later than 24 hours in advance, and prior to 3pm on a Friday. Requests received after 24 hour advance notice and after 3pm on Fridays may not be honored. “Late bookings” may be filled pending staff and space availability and Site Manager approval. “Late bookings” may be fulfilled at an alternate site. There is a limit of ten (10) changes to rehearsals per year.
Partner’s Roles and Responsibilities:
2.01 Partners will adhere to the Local Standards of Care (including staff to youth ratios) as mandated by the City Council of the City of Austin (see Attachment G) when providing educational programs to children. Inappropriate behavior with children as defined by the Local Standards of Care will result in immediate termination from the LAAP. Any abusive behavior that is legally required to be reported to local law enforcement will be reported by PARD staff.
2.02 Partners shall offer an educational program to the public of a value that is commensurate with the cost of using the Premises for the Partner’s presentation as determined by the Site Manager. Partners may submit a Workshop/Class Proposal Form (Attachment C) for facility use for workshops 3 months in advance of the planned offering, the contents of which are subject to site manager approval. One Workshop/Class Proposal Form must be completed for each requested workshop.
2.03 If the requested workshop will culminate in a final production, Partner will follow the process as stipulated in this agreement.
2.04 Partner is responsible for securing the services, at Partner’s sole expense, of qualified instructors, as well as any other personnel needed to safely conduct each class or session. Before offering or scheduling a class or event Partner acknowledges and agrees that all instructors, including the Partner, if the Partner is an individual or sole proprietorship, must successfully pass the City’s Criminal Background Investigation (CBI). Partner warrants that no person shall be permitted to substitute for the original designated instructor until the proposed substitute has also satisfied the requirement. Partner shall contact the PARD Contact for needed information about scheduling the CBIs.
2.05 All classes will be supervised by the Partner or a qualified instructor. Partner shall ensure that students are not left unsupervised at any time. If minors or other vulnerable populations are permitted to attend a class, Partner shall ensure that parents and authorized caregivers of participants are be invited and encouraged to visit the program sites, and to observe the class, at any time on a drop-in basis. Partner agrees that parents or caregivers do not need prior approval or permission to observe a class or session. The Partner will not permit any person to assist with a class or session without prior written approval by PARD staff. Partner shall submit a roster of all instructors with their CBI status when Attachment C, Residency Education Roster, is submitted. Changes to roster (including notification of completed CBI’s for all instructors) shall be submitted prior to the first day of class.
2.06 It is highly recommended that Partner provide qualified instructors with CPR training at the Partner’s expense.
PARD’s Roles and Responsibilities:
2.07 PARD shall approve workshops and classes provided to the public by the Partner within 30 working days of receipt of the request.
2.08 PARD reserves the right to review and approve curriculum, curriculum implementation and classroom conduct for the purposes of maintaining the best, most appropriate and most consistent quality of educational programming for the public. PARD reserves the right to observe classes, and amend or cancel educational programming if the quality does not meet PARD’s standards of instruction pursuant to the Youth Program Quality Assessment (Attachment H).
2.09 PARD will refer all inquiries, concerns, questions or complaints in written form to the Partner regarding educational programming for resolution within 24 hours of receipt of the complaint.
Please provide your comments on Addendum C: Articles 1 and 2 below. If referring to a specific section, please identify that section (for example: "section 2.06").
Contract Review: Addendum C - Procedures: Articles 3 and 4
over 5 years agoShare Contract Review: Addendum C - Procedures: Articles 3 and 4 on Facebook Share Contract Review: Addendum C - Procedures: Articles 3 and 4 on Twitter Share Contract Review: Addendum C - Procedures: Articles 3 and 4 on Linkedin Email Contract Review: Addendum C - Procedures: Articles 3 and 4 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.For the final piece of the LARP Review, the Parks and Recreation Department is seeking community feedback on the main portions of the contract that all LAAP participants and PARD will sign. Addendum A (part 2) Article 3: Technical Theater Procedures, Article 4: Marketing Procedures of the contract is copied below. Comments must be submitted by Thursday, June 27, 2019.
You can all review a PDF of Addenda A, B, and C by clicking here.
Partner’s Roles and Responsibilities:
3.01 A Partner must submit a Technical Request Form (Attachment A) to the Site’s Production Coordinator and the Program Coordinator no later than six weeks before the date the equipment is needed.
3.02 A Partner must check out and return PARD equipment using the Inventory Check-Out Form (Attachment J).
3.03 If a Partner loses or damages PARD equipment, the Partner is responsible for the current cost of the repair or the replacement of that equipment or a commensurate brand. PARD will invoice Partner of the cost due.
3.04 All theater equipment is provided “as-is.”
3.05 Plans to use fire, pyrotechnics, smoke, strobe lights, gun fire simulation, must be presented to staff in the Technical Request form 90 days in advance of production rehearsals or any marketing if to be used as elements of production. It is the responsibility of the Partner to apply for and secure appropriate permits, fire watches or signage, as appropriate and provide copies of the permits to the site manager no later than 2 days before the use of these elements.
3.06 All Partners are responsible for providing and preparing their own technical needs including sets, props, costumes and lighting designs. Use of PARD equipment (e.g. flats, risers, additional drapery) is at the discretion of the Site Manager. Moving, preparing and securing approved PARD equipment is the responsibility of the Partner.
PARD’s Roles and Responsibilities:
3.07 PARD staff will respond in writing to a Technical Request Form no later than two (2) business days after the request is submitted to PARD staff.
3.08 PARD will provide general support in making the Site available as required and available to permitting departments in consideration of permit requests.
3.09 PARD is not responsible for any costs, fees or charges in the permitting process described in §8.05 nor will PARD incur costs to make facility modifications in support of special effects requirements.
3.10 PARD shall provide supervision and troubleshooting of technical equipment during the Partner’s technical load-in or load-out- period or during the Partners’ operation of technical equipment for a presentation.
3.11 PARD will endeavor to provide privacy for dressing rooms and technical rehearsals within what is physically possible for the specific room and Premises. PARD reserves the right to enter the Partner’s designated room(s) in the event of an emergency, or for maintenance and repairs.
3.12 Should PARD determine that the installation of materials such as Marley or Masonite is required to protect the space, PARD will be responsible for supplying those materials.
3.13 Bleachers, risers and seating for the audience area is PARD’s responsibility and PARD will be responsible for installing or repairing such items. PARD agrees to provide the designated number of seats assigned to the room.
Partner’s Roles and Responsibilities:
4.01 Partner is responsible for preparing all marketing materials related to their LAAP programs. All marketing material including print, electronic, social media, etc. must be submitted for approval by PARD staff prior to release through any platform.
4.02 Partners presentation of marketing material must include the PARD logo, the logo associated with the Premises, and City of Austin ADA statement, CAPRA logo, and the City of Austin logo.
4.03 Partners should prepare marketing materials for PARD approval timelines. Approval timelines for marketing materials will vary from 1-5 business days.
4.04 Partners must submit basic program descriptions on their initial Room Reservation Form, due on January 2nd of every year, in order to be included in the Division’s Season Brochure for the following Fall Season. Inclusion in the brochure is optional.
4.05 Partners are responsible for creating and printing banners for Partner events.
PARD’s Roles and Responsibilities:
4.05 PARD shall assist in the design of publicity materials by providing an ADA statement and high quality logos, (PARD logo, COA seal logo, CAPRA logo, Site logo) consistent with the City’s regulations on use of the City seal and logo.
4.06 Approved event materials provided 30 days in advance to PARD will be listed on the Site’s website, event calendar, and publicity materials will be distributed in the Site’s e-newsletter to all site members and other media outlets. Approved event materials provided 15 days in advance to PARD will be provided with online posting assistance by the front desk monitors on duty for evening rehearsals. [end of Addendum C]
Please provide comments below. Identify the section you refer to by putting the section number (for example: "section 3.03").
Key Dates
March 25 2019
Review planning and preparation
Latino Artist Residency Program (LARP) Review has finished this stagePreparing for the LARP Review by creating a Community Engagement Plan and selecting a Review Panel.
Review Panel listening
Latino Artist Residency Program (LARP) Review has finished this stageThe Review Panel will have three meetings with community members:Small group discussions with ESB-MACC staff and LARP past and present participants followed by a community meeting open to all Latinx artists in the community. Feedback can also be given through SpeakUp Austin.
Review Panel recommendations
Latino Artist Residency Program (LARP) Review is currently at this stageThe Review will conclude by the Panel sharing its recommendations with the Parks and Recreation Executive Team and the ESB-MACC Advisory Board.