November 20 2020

Start of Public Comment Period (click for more details)

The City of Austin has prepared amendments to the FY 2019-20 Action Plan, which describes community needs, resources, and priorities for the City’s affordable housing, community development, homelessness services, public services, and economic development activities. These activities are funded primarily through four grant programs received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA).

December 01 2020

Public Comment Closes

December 04 2020

CDC Public Hearing (click for more details)

The public is invited to provide input during the special videoconferencing meeting of the Community Development Commission (CDC) scheduled for December 4, 2020. Meeting details and instructions for providing public comment during the virtual public hearing can be found on the meeting agenda on the City Council Meeting Information Center website. Community members must sign up by noon the day before the meeting in order to provide public comment.

December 10 2020

RCA Scheduled for Action Plan Amendments (click for more details)

December 18 2020

RCA Action Plan Amendments submitted to U.S. Department of Urban Housing and Development