Recommendations for use of Emergency Solutions Grant-CV (ESG-CV) Funds

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The ESG-CV second round of funding made available by HUD will be used to help prevent and respond to the negative effects of Coronavirus through the expansion of programs designed to help individuals and households experiencing homelessness. The second round of ESG-CV funding for the City of Austin is $10,859,249 and will be allocated to serve persons who are at a high-risk of health complications due to COVID-19, based on the current CDC guidelines. The funds will be allocated to internal and external agencies. The Downtown Austin Community Court will use $1,964,830 in funding to provide rapid rehousing services to individuals identified for temporary shelter stays at Protective Lodges during the pandemic. The City is proposing to use $138,632 in administrative dollars to help manage the ESG-CV program, and the remaining $8,755,787 in funding will be allocated to provide rapid rehousing, shelter, and outreach services needed to help prevent and respond to the negative effects of Coronavirus in the community.

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