Assistant City Manager Position Profile

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Consultation has concluded

Image of Austin City Hall

In July, City Manager Spencer Cronk announced that he would be realigning his executive team to better support the Council's adopted Strategic Direction 2023. That strategic direction focuses the City's work around six outcome areas:

  • Health & Environment
  • Culture & Lifelong Learning
  • Safety
  • Government That Works for All
  • Economic Opportunity & Affordability
  • Mobility

Each new Assistant City Manager, and the Deputy City Manager, will be responsible for guiding the City's work toward one or more of these outcomes. That includes overseeing the departments largely responsible for the outcome and working collaboratively with the rest of the team on cross-departmental and cross-functional projects and initiatives.

As we establish new standards and expectations for the City Manager's executive team, we'd like to know:

  1. What skills and abilities are most important for you to see from executives in the City Manager's Office?
  2. What personal characteristics are most important for the City Manager to consider for his executive team?
  3. What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face in reaching the targeted outcomes of the City's Strategic Direction?

All of this information will be used to help inform the recruitment and the interview process not just for the Assistant and Deputy City Managers, but for all of our future executive recruitments.

You can learn more about the realignment, and the Strategic Direction using the links and documents provided here. When you're ready to provide your feedback, the full survey is below. It should only take a few minutes to complete.

Acceso la encuesta en Espanol aqui.

In July, City Manager Spencer Cronk announced that he would be realigning his executive team to better support the Council's adopted Strategic Direction 2023. That strategic direction focuses the City's work around six outcome areas:

  • Health & Environment
  • Culture & Lifelong Learning
  • Safety
  • Government That Works for All
  • Economic Opportunity & Affordability
  • Mobility

Each new Assistant City Manager, and the Deputy City Manager, will be responsible for guiding the City's work toward one or more of these outcomes. That includes overseeing the departments largely responsible for the outcome and working collaboratively with the rest of the team on cross-departmental and cross-functional projects and initiatives.

As we establish new standards and expectations for the City Manager's executive team, we'd like to know:

  1. What skills and abilities are most important for you to see from executives in the City Manager's Office?
  2. What personal characteristics are most important for the City Manager to consider for his executive team?
  3. What do you see as the most critical challenges Austin will face in reaching the targeted outcomes of the City's Strategic Direction?

All of this information will be used to help inform the recruitment and the interview process not just for the Assistant and Deputy City Managers, but for all of our future executive recruitments.

You can learn more about the realignment, and the Strategic Direction using the links and documents provided here. When you're ready to provide your feedback, the full survey is below. It should only take a few minutes to complete.

Acceso la encuesta en Espanol aqui.