What are the proposed changes?

    The proposed amendments will impact Section 3.5 of the Environmental Criteria Manual. Changes include:

    • Deletion of outdated and inaccurate content that does not further code implementation. Sections impacted include 3.5.1, 3.5.2, 3.5.3, 3.5.4 along with Appendix P-6.   
    • Options for low impact excavation and foundation construction. 
    • Updates to address new urban forestry concerns.
    • Reorganization and revisions to existing rules to better align with code, clarify the distinction between preservation and mitigation, and provide guidance for both mitigation and preservation.
    • Eliminating mitigation requirements for Arizona ash; 
    • Allowing preservation of trees less than regulation size to count as mitigation; 
    • Creating new alternative compliance options;
    • Removing the unused section on tree condition assessments; and,
    • Eliminating fertilization requirements in some situations where they were previously required.

    How can I participate in this engagement?

    There are two ways to participate in this engagement. Please choose the format that works best for you.

    1. Use the Question box below to send us your comments. The box will close to comments on November 7th, 2022.
    2. Email DSDCommunications@austintexas.gov