General Questions

    What are my question or comment options with regard to the proposed Rule amendments?

    You may use the Question box at the bottom of the page or email for more information.

    Why are these changes being made?

    These amendments are being made to

    • Improve information in the Building Criteria Manual (BCM) and provide more efficient services.
    • Move inspection processes from the technical building codes to the Building Criteria Manual. This move will group similar information together.  
    • Update sections and topics that may have changed since they were first adopted, generally due to changes in Code.
    • Standardize operational practices that have not been formalized. 

    The proposed changes to these Rules is part of a larger process by the Development Services Department to update Rule language. Some of this language has not changed for several decades. Updates are needed to support effective, efficient operations.

    What sections of the Building Criteria Manual will be impacted by the proposed changes?

    1. Section 4.4.4 (Structural Plans)
    2. Section 4.6.0 (Inspections)
    3. Section 5.1.1 (Construction Plan Legibility And Standards For Scale) *New*
    4. Section (Commercial Electrical Inspector Supervisor)
    5. Section (Air Test On Plastic Non-Pressure Plumbing Systems) *New*
    6. Section 5.9.0 (Single Stack Drain Waste And Vent System Designed With Specialized Fittings) *New*

Summary of Rule changes

    Structural Plans (4.4.4)

    • Minor additions to clarify engineer-sealed foundation plans requirements.
    • Expanded allowance for a Structural Verification Report, instead of structural drawings for existing conditions.

    Inspections (4.6.0)

    • Residential inspection processes moved out of local amendments into the Building Criteria Manual. 
    • Set deadline for completion of required certifications.
    • Updated language to reflect current practices.
    • Homestead Permit requirements moved from local amendments to the Building Criteria Manual.

    Construction Plan Legibility and Standards for Scale (5.1.1)

    • New subsection added in Section 5 outlining scales and units requirements for commercial plan review. 
    • Section 4.4.2 outlines requirements for residential construction.

    Commercial Electrical Inspector Supervisor (

    • Updated section title to “Commercial Electrical Inspector Supervisor.” 
    • Set deadline for completion of required certification.

    Air Test on Plastic Non-Pressure Plumbing Systems (

    • New section added to provide safety guidelines for testing with air on PVC piping systems. 

    Single Stack Drain Waste and Vent System Designed with Specialized Fittings (5.9.0)

    • New section added to establish a permanent process. 
    • This process applies to submittals and inspections for Provent and Sovent engineered systems. 
    • This language replaces the Standard Operating Procedure that has been in place since March 15, 2015.