General Questions

    What are my question or comment options with regard to the proposed Rule changes?

    You may use the Q&A option at the bottom of the page or email for more information.

    Why are these changes being made?

    These changes are being made to

    • improve the information provided in the Building Criteria Manual and provide a more efficient means for services.
    • provide information in the Building Criteria Manual with fewer Code amendments, making material easier and more intuitive to find. 
    • update sections and topics that may have changed since they were initially adopted. Some of these changes are moving language from Code, which is more inflexible and difficult to change when improvements are needed to City processes.
    • standardizing operations and procedures that have existed for many years yet were never formalized. The lack of standardization previously allowed staff to make changes without a formal process and approval system. Incorporating these processes and procedures into the Building Criteria Manual provides a formal process of approval with stakeholder input.

    The change to these Rules is part of a broader process by Development Services Department to update Rule language, some of which has existed for decades without change.

    What sections of the Building Criteria Manual will be impacted?

    1. Section 5.6.2 and subsections
    2. Sections 5.5.4 and 5.6.6 along with subsections
    3. Section 1.1.2 and subsections
    4. Section 7

Specific details about each Rule change

    Please summarize the changes being made to the Plumbing System Test Requirements section.

    The following existing process sections pertaining to plumbing systems test, and standards of practice requirements are being proposed to be relocated into section 5.6.2 and subsections of Plumbing System Test Requirements.  

    • Gas pressure test required
    • Plumbing gas rough inspection
    • Final gas inspection
    • Emergency pulled gas meter 
    • Scheduling inspection for emergency pulled gas meter*
    • Building sewer test
    • Manhole test 2003
    • Testing procedures for drain, waste, and vent piping
    • Trench drains
    • Methods of testing storm drainage systems
    • Test procedures for material other than polyvinyl chloride (PVC) drainage piping
    • Testing procedures for plastic roof drainage piping
    • Testing requirements for non-human use medical gas and vacuum systems 

    Most of the processes related to this rules change have existed in some form or another for multiple decades. They were initially implemented with the adoption of the 2003 Plumbing Code amendments. Medical gas testing for non-human use adopted in the 2009 Plumbing Code ordinance was the only rule adopted after the adoption of the 2003 Plumbing Amendments. 

    *Section Scheduling inspection for emergency pulled gas meter is a standard of practice established by a memorandum that has been utilized by both residential and commercial inspection and can be dated to 2005, with item D being a new addition. Please look to the "documents" section for more detail.

    The relocation of the language itself would not have any financial impact to the end user. 

    Please summarize the changes being made to the Commercial Mechanical and Plumbing Qualifications sections.

    The proposed changes to the Commercial Mechanical and Plumbing Qualifications sections are as follows:

    • The commercial plumbing supervisor and the commercial mechanical supervisor were a combination position. Now, this one position has been separated into two. Also, the existing qualifications are being separated to update the changes to reflect how we staff the positions.
    • Commercial plumbing inspectors and supervisors will be required to have a medical gas and fire sprinkler system endorsement along with a certification for plans examiner.
      • With the medical gas and fire sprinkler endorsement and the certification for plans examiner, inspectors will be part of a team that can provide all necessary inspections without limitations due to lack of qualifications and training.
    • Inspectors and the supervisors will be required to demonstrate good technical writing skills and computer skills. Such skills are essential for communicating effectively and efficiently with internal and external customers. This proposed change would create an additional step in the hiring process which could be an additional cost to the City of Austin although this cost is potentially offset by increased efficiency through improved communications.
    • All of these proposed changes directly affect only COA staff with indirect positive effects to the customer.

    Please summarize the changes being made to the Building Inspection Process section.

    The proposed changes to the Building Inspection Process section is as follows:

    • This proposed change will provide an alternate location of the Authorized Scope of Work under the annual permit and existing inspection processes.
    • Moving the scope of work into the Building Criteria Manual to provide a structured process for changes as needed without making an ordinance change. Moving the scope of work into the Building Criteria Manual will also ensure maintenance of the appropriate approvals and reviews from management, staff and stakeholders when necessary. 
    • Moving inspection processes such as the Building Pre-Construction Inspection and the Layout Inspection to the Building Criteria Manual. A third requirement is being proposed for a foundation report. Relocating these existing amendments to the Building Criteria Manual also provides a structured process for changes as needed while maintaining the appropriate approvals and reviews from management, staff and stakeholders. 
    • With relocation of these building inspection processes, no impact would be created for the customer. The building inspection group would need to broaden their knowledge in available resources.

    Please summarize the changes being made to the Green Building section

    The proposed changes to the Green Building section is as follows:

    • Most of this Rule change aligns the language of the Rule to match that of present-day realities and processes. The primary change removes references to fees for participation which were dropped from the fee schedule back in 2016.  There are a few changes around the number of stories for buildings. For instance, this change allows four-story town homes to participate in the single family rating. The remaining changes mostly clean up language to align better with department and program branding or fix web links that have changed.