Why was the demolition ordinance developed?

    What will the Development Services Department do with my feedback?

    Your feedback will be used to improve the final rule proposal. It will also help us provide demolition permitting services more effectively once the final regulations are implemented.

    What is the Building Criteria Manual?

    The City of Austin’s Building Criteria Manual includes most of Development Services Department’s (DSD) current processes related to demolitions and the main repository for DSD’s policies and procedures. Updates are required to include the recommended changes to the demolition process. 

    What sections of the Building Criteria Manual are expected to change?

    Amendments are proposed to the following sections of the Building Criteria Manual:
    • 1.2.6 - Building Permit - Demolition and Relocation: Permit Submittal and Review Process
    • 4.3.0 - Residential Demolition
    • 4.6.2 - Residential Building Inspections 
    • 5.4.0 - Building Code 

    What steps are expected as this process continues?

    The first step in the rules posting process is rule development. We are in the rule development phase and are seeking your feedback on the proposed amendments. This webpage includes the current draft of the proposed rule changes. Your input will be used to improve the final rule proposal.

    The next steps are as follows: 

    • Interdepartmental Review of Proposed Rule 
    • Official Posting by Office of the City Clerk: Notice of Proposed Rule (est. early Spring 2021) 
    • Official Posting by Office of the City Clerk: Notice of Rule Adoption (est. mid-Spring 2021)
    • Public Appeal Period: 30 days after adoption 
    • Publish in Municode (est. Summer 2021)