Downtown Austin Community Court Geographic Service Area

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Consultation has concluded

The Downtown Austin Community Court (DACC) is exploring potential changes that could impact which cases are processed by DACC. In addition to adjudicating Class C misdemeanor cases, DACC connects people who are experiencing homelessness with social service resources throughout the Austin community. Cases that are not processed at DACC are processed at Austin Municipal Court.

Changes being considered include the geographic service area (GSA) where citations are issued, and the types of citations that are processed at DACC. DACC conducted a public engagement effort in June, July, and August of 2022, and is now synthesizing the results to report to the DACC Advisory Board. During the public engagement period, DACC sought feedback and ideas from the community about the best path forward to ensure DACC services are responsive to community needs.

Input collected during the public engagement period has the potential to shape DACC's future in three ways:

  1. The current DACC geographic service area and types of citations processed by DACC
  2. Responses to potential options to change the geographic service area and/or types of citations processed at DACC
  3. Any new ideas regarding DACC’s geographic service area and/or types of citations processed at DACC

The DACC GSA community survey is no longer active because survey results are now being analyzed. Stakeholders can still provide input and request a meeting with DACC staff to discuss the project. Anyone interested in providing input or asking questions about the project can send an email to, or come to DACC's location at One Texas Center (505 Barton Springs Road), to learn more.

The Downtown Austin Community Court (DACC) is exploring potential changes that could impact which cases are processed by DACC. In addition to adjudicating Class C misdemeanor cases, DACC connects people who are experiencing homelessness with social service resources throughout the Austin community. Cases that are not processed at DACC are processed at Austin Municipal Court.

Changes being considered include the geographic service area (GSA) where citations are issued, and the types of citations that are processed at DACC. DACC conducted a public engagement effort in June, July, and August of 2022, and is now synthesizing the results to report to the DACC Advisory Board. During the public engagement period, DACC sought feedback and ideas from the community about the best path forward to ensure DACC services are responsive to community needs.

Input collected during the public engagement period has the potential to shape DACC's future in three ways:

  1. The current DACC geographic service area and types of citations processed by DACC
  2. Responses to potential options to change the geographic service area and/or types of citations processed at DACC
  3. Any new ideas regarding DACC’s geographic service area and/or types of citations processed at DACC

The DACC GSA community survey is no longer active because survey results are now being analyzed. Stakeholders can still provide input and request a meeting with DACC staff to discuss the project. Anyone interested in providing input or asking questions about the project can send an email to, or come to DACC's location at One Texas Center (505 Barton Springs Road), to learn more.