$12M Creative Space Bond
Consultation has concluded

For the latest updates on the $12M Creative Space Bond, including to register for the Request for Proposal Application, please visit The Cultural Trust of AEDC webpage.
APRIL 2021
4/27: Joint Arts & Music Commission Meeting, 3-5pm
Watch Agenda Item 2A: The Austin Economic Development Corporation presented information to a virtual joint meeting of the Arts and Music Commissions on an upcoming Request for Proposals involving creative space.
4/14: Memo to Mayor & City Council
Update on Cultural Trust and Creative Space Bond
4/5: Music Commission Presentation by Austin Economic Development Corporation (AEDC)
Presentation on Cultural Trust by AEDC: Commission Agenda Item 3A
Watch Agenda Item 3A: Discussion and Possible Action following presentation on Creative Space Bond by David Colligan, Acting Chief Operating Officer, Austin Economic Development Corporation (AEDC), and Matthew Kvatinetz, Managing Partner, Q Partners.
9/21: Request for Information (RFI): RFI closed September 21, 2020, 5pm CST
The City of Austin Economic Development Department announced a new Request for Information (RFI) to gather input regarding the $12M Creative Space Bond. Specifically, the Economic Development Department sought information from creative entities that will help the department to:
- Measure the level of respondents interested in participating in a potential future Request for Proposals.
- Obtain information to inform the facility requirements, site selection, project development, and facility operations.
- Explore options for ownership and leasing scenarios that will meet the goal of creating spaces for local artists and musicians while complying with the Bond requirements.
Solicitation Details:
Questions & Answers:
9/11: Joint Arts & Music Commission Meeting
Virtual community meeting about the latest developments on the $12M Creative Space Bond process, including the recently posted Request for Information. Visit the Music and Arts Commission websites for links to agendas, presentations, and back-up materials for this meeting.
Request for Information Solicitation posted by City of Austin Purchasing Office
JULY 2020
7/24: Update and Next Steps on Acquisition Process
MAY 2020
5/14: $12M Creative Space Bond: Additional Information for Council
APRIL 2020
4/3: $12M Creative Space Bond Staff Recommendation for Acquisition Process
Joint Arts and Music Commissions Recommendations to Council
- 1/9: Arts Commission Recommendation
http://www.austintexas.gov/edims/document.cfm?id=333570 - 1/6: Music Commission Recommendation
These community recommendations informed Staff's proposed process for acquiring and operating a facility (or facilities), in coordination with other City Departments and the City Managers’ Office.
EDD will post any developments as Mayor and Council work through Staff's process recommendations. As a reminder, no funds have been expended yet, and there are no plans to deviate from program guidelines unless given direction by Council.
In 2018, the City of Austin voters approved a bond proposition that would provide funding for acquisitions and improvements of creative spaces.
Before the bonds were approved by the voters, Austin City Council adopted Resolution No. 20180809-061 on August 9, 2018, directing staff to recommend a proposed process, description, and criteria for Creative Space Acquisition and Improvements. As part of the resolution, the City Manager must develop and present to City Council recommendations prepared in consultation with the Arts and Music Commissions and in compliance with the allowable use of bond funds. Since these bond funds are part of the bond proposition that authorized funding for community and cultural facilities, libraries, museums, and cultural arts facilities of the City, the City must use the funds in a manner consistent with the rest of the funding and not for economic development.
The Arts and Music Commissions convened a Joint Arts & Music Commission Working Group to discuss options for programming funding along with staff from the Bond Team and Economic Development Department (EDD), while considering the following general concepts applicable to these bonds:
- Projects that have a clear City purpose and that are owned by the City are also more likely to be approved for bond funding than projects that are owned by other entities.
- Projects that are owned by the City and operated by the City, or by a nonprofit that operates the project consistent with the City purpose, are more likely to be approved by the Attorney General than projects that are operated by for-profit entities to benefit those entities. (An example of a currently operated project that is operated by a nonprofit, but owned by the City, is ZACH Theatre).
- Projects that are not owned by the City present a higher degree of legal challenges and would need to be reviewed more specifically by bond counsel.
- These bonds were not approved for economic development purposes. Therefore, the process, description, and criteria that staff and commission members are developing should focus on creating long-term city assets that can be used over many decades for creative spaces, not creating projects that are in the nature of economic development projects.