AUS Environmental Assessment

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Consultation has concluded

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As part of a continued commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship, Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) has launched an Environmental Assessment. The Environmental Assessment supports the Airport Expansion and Development Program (AEDP), which guides construction and development at the airport over the next five to seven years.

What is an Environmental Assessment?
The Environmental Assessment is a review process guided by National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that will assess potential impacts to the environment associated with airport construction projects. Through the Assessment, AUS will determine whether or not AEDP projects would significantly impact the environment. The Assessment also provides opportunities for the Austin and surrounding communities to provide their feedback and learn more about future construction at AUS. Once completed, the Environmental Assessment will be submitted to the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) for review and approval.

What kind of construction projects will the Environmental Assessment review? 

The AEDP will meet the needs of airlines and passengers at  AUS by improving the Barbara Jordan Terminal and enabling future airport expansion with utility and airfield infrastructure. Initial construction projects include: 

  • Improving the Barbara Jordan Terminal
  • Building a midfield concourse and connecting underground tunnel
  • Creating and relocating taxiways
  • A new Central Utility Plant
  • A new electrical substation
  • Removing existing airfield structures

Click the image above to see the full list of projects under review 

To learn more about the Airport Expansion and Development Program, visit

Finding of No Significant Impact

After reviewing the Final Environmental Assessment, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved on July 22, 2022 an environmental Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)/Record of Decision for the proposed Airport Expansion and Development Program. 

Final Environmental Assessment  

Draft Environmental Assessment 

Virtual Public Meeting & In-Person Open House

Austin-Bergstrom International Airport hosted two public events for community members to learn more about the Environmental Assessment. 

On Saturday, March 26, AUS hosted an in-person open house. You can review all the open house display boards on the right-hand side of this webpage.

On Wednesday, March 23, AUS hosted a virtual public meeting. You can watch a recording of the meeting below:

Previously Conducted Environmental Assessment Public Scoping Phase

On Thursday, September 9th, 2021, AUS hosted a virtual public scoping meeting for the community to learn more about the Environmental Assessment, ask questions to the project team and provide comments that help inform the scope of the Environmental Assessment. 

View the virtual public scoping meeting presentation slides here.

View a recording of the virtual public scoping meeting here.

The open comment period closed on Monday, October 11, 2021

About AUS's Environmental Stewardship

AUS takes pride in reflecting the values that our community and Austin represent—from local food and music to robust sustainability efforts. AUS incorporates sustainable principles and environmental stewardship into planning, development and operations at the airport and is working towards a sustainability goal of carbon neutrality. 

AUS has partnered with Austin Energy to bring electric vehicle charging stations to the airport campus and uses Austin Energy GreenChoice to provide 100% renewable energy to the Barbara Jordan Terminal. AUS also maintains a robust waste-diversion program, purchases renewable energy and carbon off-sets from sustainable sources. AUS has partnered with Austin Energy to provide 160 local homes with renewable energy through the solar panel installation on top of the Blue Garage, which also provides .3 megawatts of renewable energy benefits toward future airport construction projects and the airport’s administration building.

To learn more about AUS's previous environmental review processes, assessments, and plans, including 2040 Master Plan projects, visit the AUS Environmental Affairs division website

English | Español

As part of a continued commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship, Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) has launched an Environmental Assessment. The Environmental Assessment supports the Airport Expansion and Development Program (AEDP), which guides construction and development at the airport over the next five to seven years.

What is an Environmental Assessment?
The Environmental Assessment is a review process guided by National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that will assess potential impacts to the environment associated with airport construction projects. Through the Assessment, AUS will determine whether or not AEDP projects would significantly impact the environment. The Assessment also provides opportunities for the Austin and surrounding communities to provide their feedback and learn more about future construction at AUS. Once completed, the Environmental Assessment will be submitted to the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) for review and approval.

What kind of construction projects will the Environmental Assessment review? 

The AEDP will meet the needs of airlines and passengers at  AUS by improving the Barbara Jordan Terminal and enabling future airport expansion with utility and airfield infrastructure. Initial construction projects include: 

  • Improving the Barbara Jordan Terminal
  • Building a midfield concourse and connecting underground tunnel
  • Creating and relocating taxiways
  • A new Central Utility Plant
  • A new electrical substation
  • Removing existing airfield structures

Click the image above to see the full list of projects under review 

To learn more about the Airport Expansion and Development Program, visit

Finding of No Significant Impact

After reviewing the Final Environmental Assessment, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved on July 22, 2022 an environmental Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)/Record of Decision for the proposed Airport Expansion and Development Program. 

Final Environmental Assessment  

Draft Environmental Assessment 

Virtual Public Meeting & In-Person Open House

Austin-Bergstrom International Airport hosted two public events for community members to learn more about the Environmental Assessment. 

On Saturday, March 26, AUS hosted an in-person open house. You can review all the open house display boards on the right-hand side of this webpage.

On Wednesday, March 23, AUS hosted a virtual public meeting. You can watch a recording of the meeting below:

Previously Conducted Environmental Assessment Public Scoping Phase

On Thursday, September 9th, 2021, AUS hosted a virtual public scoping meeting for the community to learn more about the Environmental Assessment, ask questions to the project team and provide comments that help inform the scope of the Environmental Assessment. 

View the virtual public scoping meeting presentation slides here.

View a recording of the virtual public scoping meeting here.

The open comment period closed on Monday, October 11, 2021

About AUS's Environmental Stewardship

AUS takes pride in reflecting the values that our community and Austin represent—from local food and music to robust sustainability efforts. AUS incorporates sustainable principles and environmental stewardship into planning, development and operations at the airport and is working towards a sustainability goal of carbon neutrality. 

AUS has partnered with Austin Energy to bring electric vehicle charging stations to the airport campus and uses Austin Energy GreenChoice to provide 100% renewable energy to the Barbara Jordan Terminal. AUS also maintains a robust waste-diversion program, purchases renewable energy and carbon off-sets from sustainable sources. AUS has partnered with Austin Energy to provide 160 local homes with renewable energy through the solar panel installation on top of the Blue Garage, which also provides .3 megawatts of renewable energy benefits toward future airport construction projects and the airport’s administration building.

To learn more about AUS's previous environmental review processes, assessments, and plans, including 2040 Master Plan projects, visit the AUS Environmental Affairs division website

Consultation has concluded