2023-2024 Budget Engagement

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This page is no longer accepting submissions. To follow the discussion, please visit the new project page here: Budget 2023-2024

Welcome to the FY 2023-2024 Budget Engagement!

The City is committed to an inclusive and transparent budget development process that utilizes resident and stakeholder feedback to ensure budget priorities are being met. During the months of December 2022 and January 2023, 3 hybrid (in-person and virtual) community meetings were hosted by the 9 Quality of Life Commissions. Thank you to all who attended and shared your interests and concerns.

The Quality of Life Commissions are (in alphabetical order): African American Resource Advisory Commission, Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission, Commission on Immigrant Affairs, Commission on Seniors, Commission for Women, Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission, Human Rights Commission, LGBTQIA+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission, and the Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities.

Provide your feedback or reach out with any questions by emailing BudgetQA@austintexas.gov.

Welcome to the FY 2023-2024 Budget Engagement!

The City is committed to an inclusive and transparent budget development process that utilizes resident and stakeholder feedback to ensure budget priorities are being met. During the months of December 2022 and January 2023, 3 hybrid (in-person and virtual) community meetings were hosted by the 9 Quality of Life Commissions. Thank you to all who attended and shared your interests and concerns.

The Quality of Life Commissions are (in alphabetical order): African American Resource Advisory Commission, Asian American Quality of Life Advisory Commission, Commission on Immigrant Affairs, Commission on Seniors, Commission for Women, Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission, Human Rights Commission, LGBTQIA+ Quality of Life Advisory Commission, and the Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities.

Provide your feedback or reach out with any questions by emailing BudgetQA@austintexas.gov.